Back to list Gate Burton Energy Park

Representation by Paul Wray

Date submitted
8 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am against the Gate Burton Solar farm proposal for the following reasons. As this solar farm proposal is one of four separate solar farm proposals within a few miles of each other, amounting to 10000 acres, the proposals should be assessed altogether. I feel Island Green Power have been economical with the truth, throughout the consultation process, through written word and in person and web seminars. The loss of a combined total of 10000 acres , most of which is good agricultural land (despite what Island Green power will tell you) , in these uncertain times, is unthinkable. As can be seen from looking at Gridwatch solar plays a very limited role in the energy mix, especially when power is needed the most. For six months of the year solar panels are akin to useless. Wildlife habitats will be decimated by these proposals. Solar panels should be on roofs and on brownfield sites not on agricultural land, we already heavily rely on imported food, in these uncertain times, thats a poor position to be in, we all need to eat.