Back to list Gate Burton Energy Park

Representation by Sara Burton

Date submitted
11 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. Lincolnshire will be overflowing with solar farms so many are proposed close by each other - as one of the best counties for growing our own food/produce what a terrible waste of good agricultural land this is. 2. This particular project has massive site of 3,500 acres. As other projects are also being considered close by the loss of farmland and jobs associated with farmland is huge. This means farmland will be lost and the area will be spoilt by industrialisation. This is a national and ecological tragedy. How can we even consider losing food producing land? People are having to choose whether to be warm or eat but this is taking the decision out of their hands they will be reliant on imported food at a high cost to carbon footprint and the planet by another means. 3. I do not think putting solar panels on farmland is the best place for them. Other countries are using areas such as car parks to double the use of such areas - a much more sensible approach without ruining the countryside. 4. I am very concerned that traditional valuable jobs and skills within agriculture will be affected. 5. A vast area of farmland would be lost to this Solar project/park. 6. This proposal on open farmland would be highly visible from country lanes and property. The views, walks and enjoyment of the countryside that is so vital to many of us for our wellbeing and for those in the future to also enjoy will be destroyed. The cost to our mental health is inestimable. 7. The cost to the wildlife that inhabits these areas is unthinkable.I am very concerned that this project has not really considered the environment and wildlife - their rationale if indeed there is one seems deeply flawed. 8. I am deeply concerned this is a potential fire and chemical risk on land that is already vulnerable. I am concerned about panel size and glare and how this could impact on birds and aviation too. I am suspicious that this could also impact on flood risk. Do we really know if the panels will be worth the amount of loss of land - are figures submitted honest and verified to be worth such a huge loss in other ways? The role solar can play is limited because it provides power intermittently and least power when we need it most – e.g. winter evenings. The proposed developments are an inefficient use of land, for their contribution to the energy mix. 9. The Gate Burton Energy Park is very close to historic buildings and Gate Burton itself is a heritage village. 10. I am also very concerned that should this go ahead and i would be devastated for our beautiful county if it did - the project would mean 4 years of roads and lanes and disruption to locals, wildlife and the noise and impact of this disturbing everything that is so important to us here. I deeply fear natural habitats and wildlife will be destroyed as well as the beauty of rural life. 11. I am greatly concerned that the mental health and well-being of people living here has not been considered. 12. I understand the solar farm apparatus is likely to be manufactured abroad (China) and the construction labour sourced from outside the area. This is not an ethically sound proposal and totally negates the aim. 13. I strongly believe it would be more effective to install solar panels on commercial and domestic roofs, where it will directly reduce bills instead of using farmland which has much greater value for its intended purpose.