Back to list Gate Burton Energy Park

Representation by Laura Smith

Date submitted
14 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I most strongly oppose the Gate Burton scheme.It is an appalling idea to destroy farmland,the coiuntryside,the local economy,the rural setting of the villages this will affect in the name of fake green and net zero pie in the sky targets.Panels must go on rooftops but the developer is not bothered,really,this is a land grab that we absolutely must avoid.It is a destruction plan of all we hold dear.Energy prices will be even higher,communities will not benefit and our villages will be destroyed by endless construction works,noise,pollution etc etc.Developers are simply lying and people are not stupid,we need legislation asap to regulate these unscrupolous people! It doen't make any sense to destroy productive farmland,none at all!