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Representation by Stefanie Lee

Date submitted
19 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I oppose the proposed solar farm project due to the scale or the proposal, the damage it will do to local wildlife, the visual impact on a beautiful area of countryside, the loss of prime agricultural land and the detrimental effect on the well being of local residents. The size of the planned area is completely out of proportion to any existing solar site and would have a devastating impact on the local wildlife. The proposed area is open farmland and home to wide range of British wildlife including barn owls, kestrels, red kites, deer, hares and foxes. The birds of prey can not hunt over fields of solar panels, and roaming animals like deer will be in danger if areas are fenced off. This is also a picturesque area of British countryside, which the proposals will industrialise and ruin. In Lincolnshire there are any unproportionate number of solar project proposals compared to the rest of the country, approval of these schemes risk turning England's green and pleasant lands into sea of glass and steel and place an unfair burden on residents. The location of the proposal will create an eye saw and due to the topography of the land will not be concealed. This scheme is the industrialisation of thousands of acres of farmland and countryside, it would be a loss to the county and the country. I understand that solar plants are often described as a green energy solution, but there is nothing green or environmentally friendly about a project that requires the destruction of so much British countryside.