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Representation by Ministry of Defence, Defence Infrastructure Organisation, Safeguarding Department (Ministry of Defence, Defence Infrastructure Organisation, Safeguarding Department)

Date submitted
23 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sir/Madam MOD Safeguarding– East 1 WAM Network and RAF Scampton Proposal: Gate Burton Energy Park Limited (company number 12660764) of Stirling Square, 5-7 Carlton Gardens, London, United Kingdom, SW1Y 5AD (“the Applicant”) has applied for a Development Consent Order (“DCO”) for the Gate Burton Energy Park (“the Scheme”) and the DCO application for the Scheme has been accepted for examination by the Planning Inspectorate on behalf of the Secretary of State. The proposed Scheme lies within the administrative areas of Bassetlaw District Council and West Lindsey District Council, and at county level within Nottinghamshire County Council and Lincolnshire County Council. The Application is for development consent for the construction, operation and maintenance and decommissioning of solar photovoltaic (PV) generating panels with a total capacity exceeding 50 megawatts (MW) and on-site energy storage facility together with grid connection infrastructure at a proposed site in Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire. Location: Land to the West of Sturton On Stowe, Lincolnshire Thank you for consulting Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) on the above proposed development which was received by this office on the 02/03/2023. The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) Safeguarding Team represents the Ministry of Defence (MOD) as a consultee in UK planning and energy consenting systems to ensure that development does not compromise or degrade the operation of defence sites such as aerodromes, explosives storage sites, air weapon ranges, and technical sites or training resources such as the UK Military Low Flying System. The applicant has submitted an application for the Gate Burton Energy Park Development Consent Order to the Planning Inspectorate (on behalf of the Secretary of State) under Section 56 of the Planning Act 2008 and seeks development consent for the construction, operation and maintenance and decommissioning of solar photovoltaic (PV) generating panels with a total capacity exceeding 50 megawatts (MW) and on-site energy storage facility together with grid connection infrastructure at a proposed site in Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire. The application site area occupies the statutory safeguarding zone surrounding the East 1 WAM Network and RAF Scampton. The application site area is washed over by the East 1 WAM Network, which contributes to aviation safety by feeding into the air traffic management system in the Eastern areas of England. There is the potential for development to impact on the operation and/or capability of this new technical asset which consists of nodes and connecting pathways, each of which have their own consultation criteria and the statutory height and birdstrike safeguarding zones surrounding RAF Scampton, which lies approximately 10.6km away. After reviewing the application documents and performing the necessary assessments, I can confirm the MOD has no safeguarding objections to this proposal. The MOD must emphasise that the advice provided within this letter is in response to the data and information detailed within the developer’s document, submitted in support of application EN010131, as referred to in the notice of acceptance letter dated 2nd March 2023, received from Gate Burton Energy Park Limited. Any variation of the parameters (which include the location, dimensions, form, and finishing materials) detailed may significantly alter how the development relates to MOD safeguarding requirements and cause adverse impacts to safeguarded defence assets or capabilities. In the event that any amendment, whether considered material or not by the determining authority, is submitted for approval, the MOD should be consulted and provided with adequate time to carry out assessments and provide a formal response. I trust this is clear however should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.