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Representation by Upper Witham Internal Drainage Board (Upper Witham Internal Drainage Board)

Date submitted
23 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the above application. Some of the proposed sites are within the Upper Witham Internal Drainage Board district and a number of Board maintained watercourses are within or adjacent to the sites. Some of the site is also within the Board’s Extended Area where the Board acts as agent to Lincolnshire CC for Consents under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, and the Land Drainage Act. 1991. A map has been provided to the applicant previously showing the areas and watercourses. Upper Witham Internal Drainage Board OBJECTS to the proposals. Reason;- Proposed hedge, tree and scrub planting is shown on the submitted documents within the maintenance access strip adjacent to a number of Board maintained watercourses preventing or obstructing access. All Fencing, planting and solar panels need to be relocated 9m from the top of the bank as agreed following the initial consultation with the Board and the draft Statement of Common Ground between the parties. EN010131-000418-EN010131 APP 7.10 Outline Landscape and Ecology Management Plan • Outline Landscape Masterplan Sheet 1 of 6 o The Board maintained 0404 - Causeway Drain is on the eastern edge of the site, it is not clearly identified as an IDB maintained watercourse o Proposed hedge, tree and scrub planting is shown adjacent to the watercourse, within the 9m Byelaw distance (from the top of the bank), preventing access for maintenance • Outline Landscape Masterplan Sheet 3 of 6 o The Board maintained Padmoor Drain (20400) is on the eastern edge of the site, it is not clearly identified as an IDB maintained watercourse o Proposed hedge planting is shown adjacent to the watercourse, within the 9m Byelaw distance (from the top of the bank), preventing access for maintenance.