Back to list Gate Burton Energy Park

Representation by Denise Gatliffe

Date submitted
30 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Hopefully Gate Burton Energy Park will be assessed as one of four energy parks, taking into account that four energy parks will be in very close proximately to each other, in all covering 10,000 acres, affecting 30 villages and with a huge loss of farmland affecting jobs and skills in the local area. Gate Burton Energy Park is particularly personal to me as it sits within metres of my property, this will become my view and taking into account the construction, this will surely have an impact on mental health and wellbeing. What impact does an Energy park have on nearby properties regarding flooding? My property has had water ingress in 2004, 2007 and 2019. Many properties on the B1241 have flooding issues, this is a road where part of the energy park is proposed. According to an independant flood expert, hired by Lincolnshire County Council, flooding is a growing concern for properties close to the energy parks, which puts myself and neighbours in a vulnerable position. Part of the Gate Burton Energy Park would encompass the historic village of Knaith, Knaith Hall 15th Century, Knaith church 11th century. Knaith Village and medieval deer park all feature in the Doomsday Book of 1086. We still have today, lots of Deer crossing from one wooded area (Tiger Wood) to another (Stag Wood) where will these Deer cross? When fields are fenced off. These will be Road Traffic Accidents waiting to happen. This is an area abundant in wildlife, ground nesting birds, owls, bats an especially brown hares which are a protected species (1981).