Back to list Gate Burton Energy Park

Representation by Margaret Fields

Date submitted
14 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This addition to the original application indicates that organisation hadn't considered this initially. It appears that they are gradually adding additional things to suit as they go along and it appears to be short sighted that this wasn't considered earlier. It's very concerning that they are adding things. This area has an abundance of wildlife and is well used for leisure pursuits by many people. The huge long-term damage that this project and other similar local projects will do to the local biodiversity doesn't bear thinking about. This is purely driven by Companies profiteering from the misery of local people - turning a beautiful rural areas into industrial areas. It will be far to late once it's happened and our future generations will suffer. A large percentage of the West Lindsey District will be covered by ineffective solar panels which are damaging due to the manufacturing process, transport from China and disposal. Please stop this from happening. Thank you.