Back to list Gate Burton Energy Park

Representation by Alison Wood

Date submitted
16 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I understand that Gate Burton Energy Park has made a change of request application for works to construct and operate the underground cable and associated development. This represents an extension of the order limits of the development and the area affected by it. It is proposed that this cable corridor will be shared by the other solar schemes that already threaten many thousands of acres of rural and agricultural land in this region of Lincolnshire. If this request is allowed to proceed, an even larger local area will further be changed out of all recognition. There is already a major land grab going on in this area and now these schemes are extending their demands for even more land to be removed from its current purpose and from the local community. This is unacceptable and will negatively impact the locality socially, economically and ecologically. Furthermore, this area is an important access road to the River Trent and used for recreation by the local residents, essential for mental health and well-being. It is also an important area for wildlife and is of ecological significance for birds, badgers, insects and small mammals. The developers’ requested extension shows their disregard for the views and well-being of the local community and a lack of care of duty towards all the people affected by this and other solar schemes.I ask that this request should not be granted.