Back to list Gate Burton Energy Park

Representation by Michael Dover

Date submitted
16 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I oppose this extension to the GBEP plan as strongly as I oppose the destructive scheme itself. This area is an important wildlife habitat with many species at risk that will add to the toll of wildlife and habitat destruction already planned. This is a area of recreation for many, giving access to the river Trent and bank, used by families, anglers, equestrian pursuits, cyclists and those wishing to find peace & solitude in a rural fringe setting albeit adjacent to the industrial setting of the former Cottam power station. The impact on physical & mental health of residents affected by the Gate Burton Solar scheme and the other NSIPs (4 with a 5th recently announced ) is debilitating, the potential loss of rural surroundings, community isolation, worries of devalued property prices and the ability to sell. Loss of farming jobs, crops and farming businesses. Construction and traffic impacts, flooding concerns, loss of wildlife all weigh heavily resulting in loss of restful sleep and a detrimental effect on quality of life, all this x 4 +) This extension to an already mammoth scheme, that will deliver little in the way of energy contribution to UK energy requirements, and is wholly reliant on gas turbine generation to provide Base-load power, nighttime power, dull overcast days (many) and peak demand power, should not be granted. This is an indication of how poorly planned the developers scheme is, it shows scant regard to the residents, local governments and businesses of the areas affected. This and other Solar schemes are mediums for extracting huge profits from consumers using CfD and government subsidies, whilst delivering little in return. These schemes will stifle investment in reliable dense energy mediums like nuclear, Solar & wind generation are both intermittent, both inefficient and notoriously unreliable a reason why they are building open cycle gas turbines generation plants (more expensive & polluting) as a back up to existing closed cycle gas turbine plants. It may also with their proliferation use up the finite available grid connections ( which may well be chiefly used to extract energy from the grid to charge BESS so they can sell it back at peak times for great profit. Please do not allow this destructive extension to an already devastating scheme.