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Representation by Andy Johnson

Date submitted
17 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The proposed new route is it being supported by an impact statement for the whole length when incorporating the other applications? What are the implications on additional flooding risk? What are the implications on wildlife / fauna Compulsory purchase what are the effect on the landowners / suppliers livelihood and wellbeing? The effects on the communities well being / future existence - thriving communities turned into a waste land, no certainty for future generations. What are the impacts on the community and wider communities with this proposal? Timescales/ disruption/ access/ emergency response? I understand that the route will remove the public right of way resulting in loss to walkers, horse riding etc. Why are we compulsory purchasing land for such a poor energy return? We’re are the concerns for the communities or is it all about greed? Thanks for allowing the opportunity to express my thoughts. Andy Johnson