Back to list Gate Burton Energy Park

Representation by Dorne Johnson

Date submitted
17 November 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This change request is a major change to the original application and as such the developer should be made to give a thorough consultation to the public as currently this is now being done under the radar and many people who this will affect will be completely un aware. The land which is highlighted for the cable route on Torksey road is yet another thoughtless encroachment on wildlife. This area is a public right of way and used by the public for recreation such as horse riding, walking and bird watching. The hedges are full of biodiversity and there are badger setts in this vicinity. Compulsory purchase of land for inadequate solar should not be allowed. There are far better options for renewable energy such as wind which require far less land and produces at times when we need it. This mindless grab of land for a development that will not provide us with electricity when we most need it in the winter and darker nights should not be allowed on this size and scale and we should not be allowing compulsory purchase.