Gate Burton Energy Park

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 201 to 250 of 332 representations, newest first.

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  • Christopher Ash

    I live within 100m of the proposed scheme, have received statutory notices about possible compulsory purchase, and I'm very concerned about visual impact and construction disruption to my daily life... Read more

  • Gavin Gatliffe

    This planning project, along with the various other solar farm projects in the area MUST be looked at as one big scheme, due to the fact that they all border each other. Once this is understood and... Read more

  • Paul Dixon

    Project is far to large for the area taking up valuable arable land. With the panels being so large and close to roads and in certain areas close to buildings they will be a visual eyesore. The... Read more

  • Woodside Pet Care (Woodside Pet Care)

    I own a pet care boarding business metres away from part of the Gate Burton Energy Park boundaries. My accommodation units outlook is directly facing the proposed fields which could be effected by the... Read more

  • Margaret Hudson

    Farms for food not solar. Encourage more homes and businesses to put them on roofs.

  • Carol Lynn Harrison

    There are four Solar Farm applications in my local area totalling 10,000 acres and affecting over 30 parishes. That's Cottam, Gate Burton, West Burton and Tillbridge. These four should be looked at as... Read more

  • Kevin Kay

    This project will cause the loss of valuable farming land at a time when crop production is incredibly important in the UK. In addition, there will be a detremental impact on the local community... Read more

  • Osborne Clarke LLP (Osborne Clarke LLP) on behalf of National Grid Electricity Distribution (East Midlands) plc (National Grid Electricity Distribution (East Midlands) plc )

    1. Project Reference: EN010131. Relevant Representation submitted by Osborne Clarke LLP on behalf of National Grid Electricity Distribution (East Midlands) plc ("NGED"). 2. Osborne Clarke LLP act for... Read more

  • Christine Elizabeth Larkin

    I am appalled by the prospect of this project being built. Lincolnshire has always been, and must remain, an agricultural county. Also, the efficacy of solar power is still unproven in this country.... Read more

  • Historic England (Historic England)

    Historic England The Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England (HBMCE) is better known as Historic England, and we are the Government’s adviser on all aspects of the historic environment... Read more

  • Juliette Dalrymple

    An out of proportion development which threatens the development of a poor deprived area . Gainsborough . No skilled jobs will be created vital for this town and area of Lincolnshire . There is no... Read more

  • Roy Clegg

    Objection to the provision of Solar Farms in the application entitled Gate Burton Energy Park. Please find below my objection to the above application: 1. Comments of the last three Prime Ministers It... Read more

  • Sally Birch

    This solar farm is going to surround us. The wildlife that exists at present will be diminished, no matter what they have assured us. I am certainly not opposed to green energy, but these solar farms... Read more

  • Cian Dalglish

    At a time when we are in the middle of a food and farming crisis, usable growing land is being given over to solar panels which could just as easily go on the roofs of the millions of buildings in the... Read more

  • David Weaver

    I think this is a criminal misuse of good arable farmland which could be used more productively producing food to make us more self sufficient in the future. I am sure that an equivalent amount of... Read more

  • CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP (CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP) on behalf of EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited (EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited )

    This relevant representation is submitted on behalf of EDF Energy (Thermal Generation) Limited (“EDF”) requesting that EDF is treated as an Interested Party for the Examination of the DCO application... Read more

  • Lesley Elisabeth Worth

    I am writing to register my strong objection to this proposed project. At a time of a cost of living crisis, climate crisis and global food insecurity, I believe the last thing this country and county... Read more

  • National Highways (National Highways )

    National Highways has been appointed by the Secretary of State for Transport as a strategic highway company and is the highway authority, traffic authority and street authority for the Strategic Road... Read more

  • Roy Simmons

    Lincolnshire is a vital part of the food growing and producing farmland region of the British Isles. This countrys’ food growers and producers should be supported to produce this countrys’ own food,... Read more

  • Sophie Dhokia

    farmland should be used for food production especially as we have a shortage. I'm not against solar just not on farmland. Houses and factory's should have there own roof solar. 4 meter high panal are... Read more

  • Sarah Buckley

    The proposed project is far too big and will have a massive impact on our local landscape - why is productive farmland being used when the UK is far from self sufficient in cereal production?

  • Mrs Joanne Elizabeth Birch

    My comments with regard to the Gate Burton Energy Park relate to balancing the costs and benefits of the project from my perspective as a domestic economist, where domestic economy is defined as the... Read more

  • Richard Farley

    I object most strongly to these proposals Whilst fully appreciating the need for the country to become carbon neutral I cannot accept that this should be achieved by sacrificing vast swathes of our... Read more

  • Cllr Jessie Milne

    Destruction of 10,000 acres of food-producing farmland. Loss of livelihoods. Loss of privacy. loss of jobs. Loss of vision and vista

  • Fillingham Parish Meeting (Fillingham Parish Meeting)

    1. Fillingham Parish Meeting (FPM) is against the proposed Gate Burton Energy Park large-scale development, because of its limited contribution to decarbonisation and the adverse consequences arising... Read more

  • Joanna Folkes

    10,000 acres out of food production being just one of many solar panel parks either built or being built does nothing to help our food security. Lincolnshire is the bread basket of the UK. It is... Read more

  • Katharine McIlroy

    Solar Panels should not be placed on productive arable land, they should be placed on roof tops as in other countries. The number of solar project applications in this area resembles that of a gold... Read more

  • Martin Brown

    The Gate Burton Solar proposal is one of four currently going through the NSIP process. The other three are: Cottam Solar West Burton Solar Tillbridge Solar The total area in question is roughly... Read more

  • Miss Paula Whalebelly

    Totally against this proposal.

  • Paul Goring

    I object on the grounds of proximity to housing, losing productive farm land and loss of countryside views.

  • Peter Franks

    We are wasting a lot of growing capacity already in this country. As a country, we should be be more self reliant with our agriculture.

  • Willingham by stow Parish Council (Willingham by stow Parish Council)

    Willingham by Stow Parish Council would like to register their opposition to the proposed solar development - Gate Burton Energy Park. The parish council support plans for renewable energy generation... Read more

  • 7000 Acres (7000 Acres)

    1. Summary Introduction: Overall, the limited energy security and decarbonisation benefits the Gate Burton Energy Park claims to achieve are outweighed by the significant adverse impacts it would have... Read more

  • Canal & River Trust (Canal & River Trust)

    The Canal & River Trust's Relevant Representation (along with draft Protective Provisions) were submitted by email on 11th April 2023. See attached.

  • Clare Ella

    Main issues - -use of good quality agricultural land and no real evidence about how the land will actually fare under the panels -the cumulative size of the four proposed solar panel farms in this... Read more

  • David Ernest Broadbent

    I am very concerned that the huge volume of traffic which is anticipated will totally destroy the roads which are permanently in a poor state of repair. I am further concerned that taking substantial... Read more

  • Ella Coulson

    1. This project is set to encompass the hamlet that I live in with my family, we pay much higher house prices and Council tax for the privilege to live in such a beautiful area. This is set to be... Read more

  • Emma Chapman

    I am concerned about the loss of arable land and the implications for national food security. Importing food that could and should be grown/reared in the UK makes no sense and would add to our carbon... Read more

  • Ian Charles Atkinson

    Using vital agricultural land. De value property. Damage to wildlife and countryside conservation.

  • Julia Isabell Vipond

    I oppose the use of prime Lincolnshire farmland being converted to solar farms. We are the bread basket of England and when we are trying to be self sufficient and not rely on imports, it’s crazy to... Read more

  • Knaith Parish Council (Knaith Parish Council)

    Gate Burton – Representation Comments • This application is just 1 of 4 (currently) within a few miles of each other. The total area would amount to around 10,000 acres of farmed land. These 4... Read more

  • Lincolnshire County Council (Lincolnshire County Council)

    As the Council's comments exceed 500 words these will be submitted separately via email. Please see attached

  • Louise kelly

    I highly object to this scheme ,part of a 4 schemes wider project to industrialise farmland in this area.This has nothing to do with energy production and it is time to stop lying to the public about... Read more

  • Mrs Linda Atkinson

    The size of the solar farm, too large for the size of the village. Devaluing the properties in the village. Obviously the siting of the panels will obstruct the views around the village. The affect on... Read more

  • Mrs Vanda Colman

    This is 1 of 4 sites that is being proposed in this area covering approximately 11000 acres in total this will change a primarily rural landscape into a industrialised landscape and as such should be... Read more

  • National Grid Electricity Transmission plc (National Grid Electricity Transmission plc)

    This relevant representation is submitted on behalf of National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc (“National Grid”) in respect of the Project, and in particular National Grid’s infrastructure and land... Read more

  • Natural England (Natural England)

    Please see attached.

  • Addleshaw Goddard LLP on behalf of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Addleshaw Goddard LLP on behalf of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited) on behalf of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Network Rail Infrastructure Limited)


  • Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust)

    The main issue that is of interest to the Hospital is the potential for pressures/delays on the local road network/infrastructure within the vicinity of the site during construction, as this could... Read more

  • Steven Rose

    The farm land being used is far to much for the solar. The solar should be on roof tops and brown field sites. Food security should be a priority. The impact on this area will be huge for farmers who... Read more