Gate Burton Energy Park

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 251 to 300 of 332 representations, newest first.

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  • UK Health Security Agency (UK Health Security Agency)

    Thank you for your consultation regarding the above development. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) welcome the opportunity to comment at this stage of the Nationally Significant Infrastructure... Read more

  • Amanda Neal

    This will affect our village being classed as rural and could devalue our housing. The farm land would much better used for food instead of having to import more. There are other areas that would be... Read more

  • Amanda Westerby-Sissons

    The proposed sheer size of this plan is unacceptable on every level and damaging beyond belief to the surrounding communities and the impact will be huge on the future of the agricultural land and... Read more

  • Carolyn Latham

    My family and I have lived in the village of Glentworth for 30 years, enjoying the peaceful amenity of living in a rural, agricultural area. This development, alongside other proposals for solar... Read more

  • Claire Morris

    - the proposed solar farm borders the property I live in, other neighbouring properties (eg Rose Cottage) and the solar panels will be visible in all the surrounding area. - the woodland where the... Read more

  • Dave laing

    Please answer me these questions ?? 1??Honestly and truthfully how on earth do any of you think this is ok? 2??How would any of you like this happening on your doorstep? 3??How can any of you think... Read more

  • Dr Paul Marshall

    Solar power on this scale is not viable and it comes with enormous costs in terms of loss of agricultural land, loss of amenity and the decimation of the rural economy. In addition, there are huge... Read more

  • Eleonore Middleton

    I object to this proposal on several grounds. It will be set on fully viable farmland which has been in long term use. In a time of food shortages and obvious lack of food security in this country to... Read more

  • Elizabeth Clare Garbutt

    1. The Gate Burton Energy Park (GBEP) is only one of four Solar NSIP proposals in the District of West Lindsey, Lincolnshire. The number, scale and impact of all four proposed projects in the local... Read more

  • Geoffrey Middleton

    I object to this proposal on several grounds. It will be set on fully viable farmland. In a time of food shortages and obvious lack of food security in this country to destroy food producing land is... Read more

  • Glentworth Parish Council (Glentworth Parish Council)

    We are responding as the Parish Council for a civil parish neighbouring this development proposal. The development is one of a total of 4 in the area and the main issue of concern is the cumulative... Read more

  • Hannah Lockwood-Geck

    The UK’s energy security is important, however the countries food security, job security and local communities should be considered just as important. The Gate Burton Energy Park in question is just... Read more

  • Heather Frier

    The proposed development of an expansive and intensive cluster of solar energy projects, including Gate Burton, covering 7000 acres of productive agricultural Lincolnshire countryside would seem to be... Read more

  • Ian Birch

    Area to be used is too large and will impact visually and farmland will be lost

  • James Allison

    The proposed 'Gate Burton Energy Park' is totally inappropriate in terms of scale and size for the area. This is before we even consider the fact that it is just one of several similar solar farm... Read more

  • Janice Waudby

    Farm land should be kept for food production, plenty of brown field sites and roof tops could be used. Rural communities and roads are not suitable for these large scale solar farms. Acres of... Read more

  • Joanne Taylor

    I object strongly to this proposal and also feel that it should not be considered in isolation, but the impact of it alongside the other sites in the same small district be kept in mind and judged... Read more

  • John and Anne Parkin

    Having moved to the area, to live in the countryside, out of choice, to then discover that the land surrounding our hamlet was to be industrialised by a large solar development, which subsequently is... Read more

  • John Bamford

    Relative Representation Points Gate Burton Energy Park 1. Projects should be considered as one. Gate Burton Energy Park is only one of 4 NSIPs around us currently which total 10,000 acres of good... Read more

  • John Robert Perkins

    Five years ago my wife and I purchased an old Listed farmhouse on the edge of the village. The house and garden needed renovation but its location on the Lincoln ridge meant that we could appreciate... Read more

  • Jon Cook


  • Kimberley Coxon

    Please answer me these questions ?? 1??Honestly and truthfully how on earth do any of you think this is ok? 2??How would any of you like this happening on your doorstep? 3??How can any of you think... Read more

  • Margaret Brown

    I wish to object to this proposal due to the excessive size, proximity to roads and properties and the effect it will have on residents both human and wildlife.

  • Mark Hudson

    Energy security is very important. However, food security is also very important. The loss of many thousands of acres of prime arable land in order to install solar panels is not sensible. Such solar... Read more

  • Martyn Allen

    Whilst I am not against renewable energy, I had solar panels installed on my own home several years ago, I find this proposal along with several others in the local area totally inappropriate. The... Read more

  • Michael Sinclair

    Productive farmland should not be sacrificed for this project in this location. The massive environmental impact cannot be underestimated. The scale & intensity are not suitable for this location.

  • Mrs Pauline Ann Chester

    1.The Gate Burton proposal is just 1 of 4 Solar Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects within a few miles of each other. Together this would be the largest solar farm complex in Europe and... Read more

  • Patricia Mitchell

    This is my formal representation to become an interested party and I call for the Planning Inspectorate to take particular note of the information in the first paragraph. Together with Map 1, which it... Read more

  • Paula Whalebelly

    Totally against this proposal

  • Pauline Organ

    Food security must take priority. Thousands of acres of very productive farm land must NOT be covered in solar panels. There are other ways to generate clean electricity which cause less collateral... Read more

  • Hannah Lockwood-Geck on behalf of Raimondas Padlipskas (Raimondas Padlipskas)

    The UK’s energy security is important, however the countries food security, job security and local communities should be considered just as important. The Gate Burton Energy Park in question is just... Read more

  • Simon Jeremy Parker

    Gate Burton is one of 4 NSIP projects being applied for within a very small area of Lincolnshire, the combined land use of all is over 10,000 acres. The scale of this application will have a huge... Read more

  • Simon John Gregory

    1. The project will have a negative impact on local property values. 2. The recent Scampton meeting mentioned that Net Zero targets were the driving force but surely this project is entirely... Read more

  • Stephen Bowers

    The area we live in is Rural, this project will make it semi rural and I feel devalue our property’s There are far better places to put solar than on needed farm land, we would then have to import... Read more

  • Susan Bycroft

    I think loosing the use of the land for crops, will be a detriment for future generations. Quite a lot of land has already been taken for housing, with more planned for our surrounding area’s. Why not... Read more

  • The Environment Agency (The Environment Agency)

    Below is a summary of our relevant representations. We have sent an email with our detailed comments to which can be published alongside this outline. We... Read more

  • The Woodland Trust (The Woodland Trust)

    Thank you for the opportunity to register as an interested party on this proposal. There are several veteran trees located on site, which although have been afforded buffer zones in line with Natural... Read more

  • Thomas Haydn Cavan Moore

    I am concerned about the following issues and would politely request that the Planning Inquiry investigate them in depth. Additional detail available at the next stage of the inquiry: 1) Scale: The... Read more

  • Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc - WITHDRAWN on behalf of Weightmans LLP (Weightmans LLP )

    The following representations are submitted on behalf of Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc as an electricity undertaker for the area within which the Gate Burton Energy Park project is located:... Read more

  • West Lindsey District Council (West Lindsey District Council)

    Relevant Representations will be submitted separately via email.

  • Hannah Lockwood-Geck on behalf of William Lockwood-Geck (William Lockwood-Geck )

    The UK’s energy security is important, however the countries food security, job security and local communities should be considered just as important. The Gate Burton Energy Park in question is just... Read more

  • North Kesteven District Council (North Kesteven District Council)

    North Kesteven District Council has no comments/no objection in relation to the accepted change request details.

  • Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board (Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board)

    With regard to the Applicant's Proposed Provision for a Change Request, the Board would advise that there are no additional comments to make, but would reiterate the general comments offered... Read more

  • mdpc (mdpc) on behalf of Knightwood Trust Farms Limited (Knightwood Trust Farms Limited)

    In respect of Compulsory Land Acquisition - Plots -17/19 -Approximately 24845 square metres of agricultural land and hedgerow (south of Torksey Ferry Road) Knightwood Trust Farms (KTF) currently... Read more

  • David L Walker Limited (David L Walker Limited) on behalf of Jessica Bridgman, Tarmac - WITHDRAWN (Jessica Bridgman, Tarmac - WITHDRAWN)

    We have been instructed by Tarmac Aggregates Limited (“TAL”) to submit a representation in relation to the above application submitted by Gate Burton Energy Park Limited (“the Applicant”) for an Order... Read more

  • Cheryl Felix

    I completely agree with the message from 7000 acres. What are you thinking of? This extension was not in the original Plan. This is an important access road to the river Trent and is used for... Read more

  • Claire gannon

    This is an important access road to the river Trent and is used for recreation such as walking and horse riding. This will be another part of the development that encroaches on wildlife. The area is... Read more

  • David Swayne

    This change to the initial planning proposal is significant and will further impact upon the local community and wildlife in the area. The inspectorate continues to review each proposal in isolation... Read more

  • Elizabeth Murray

    The expansion requested significantly impacts further the lives and livelihoods of those who live in the vicinity of Torksey Ferry Road. Not content with applying to destroy large tracts of productive... Read more

  • kevin buck

    This is an important access road to the river Trent and is used for recreation such as walking and horse riding. This will be another part of the development that encroaches on wildlife. The area is... Read more