
All project updates

13 May 2024

The Examination has closed.

The Examining Authority's Notification of the completion of the Examination (PDF, 138KB) has been published.

The submissions for Deadline 7 and the Examination Library (PDF, 1,047 KB) have been published.

9 May 2024

The Examination has closed.

The Examining Authority's Notification of the completion of the Examination (PDF, 138KB) has been published.

The submissions for Deadline 7 will be published as soon as possible.

9 May 2024

The Examination has now closed.

7 May 2024

Due to an internal error, the Applicant’s Schedule of Negotiations which was submitted as a Deadline 6 document, was not published last week.

This has now been published, and can be accessed in the documents section.

3 May 2024

The Deadline 6 submissions have been published and the Examination Library (1MB) has been updated.

On 2 May 2024 the Examining Authority issued a request to the Applicant under Rule 17 for further information (PDF, 98KB).

2 May 2024

The Deadline 6 submissions have been published.

The Examining Authority has today issued a request to the Applicant under Rule 17 for further information.

The Examining Authority has accepted an Additional Submission from Catrin Fieldson

The Examination Library will be updated shortly.

24 April 2024

The recording and transcript of Issue Specific Hearing 6, Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2 and Open Floor Hearing 3 on Tuesday 23 April 2024 have been published.

The Examining Authority has issued a Rule 17 Request for Information (PDF, 179KB) from the Applicant, specific Affected Parties and Lincolnshire County Council.

The Examination Library (PDF, 1MB) has been updated.

23 April 2024

The Examining Authority has issued a Rule 17 Request for Information (PDF, 179KB) from the Applicant, specific Affected Parties and Lincolnshire County Council.

The Examination Library (PDF, 1MB) has been updated.

23 April 2024

Instructions for those wishing to participate in the Issue Specific Hearing 6, Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2 and Open Floor Hearing 3 on Tuesday 23 April 2024 have been sent. For those wishing to observe these hearings in real time please use the following livestream link:

The Agenda for the Issue Specific Hearing 6, Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2 and Open Floor Hearing 3 on Tuesday 23 April 2024 (PDF, 172KB) has been published.

16 April 2024

The Agenda for the Issue Specific Hearing 6, Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2 and Open Floor Hearing 3 on Tuesday 23 April 2024 (PDF 172KB) has been published.

The submissions for Deadline 5 will be published shortly.

The Examining Authority has accepted the following as Additional Submissions:

Christine Warren (PDF, 127KB)

Catherine Malcolm (non-Interested Party) (PDF, 6KB)

Mark Bagshaw (non-Interested Party) (PDF, 4KB)

Christine Hogg (non-Interested Party) (PDF, 4KB)

Iain Tatam (non-Interested Party) (PDF, 950KB)

Stephen Hogg (non-Interested Party) (PDF, 4KB)

United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (PDF, 645KB)

Michael Johnson (non-Interested Party) (PDF, 4KB)

The Relevant Representation period and deadline for Written Representations on the Applicant's change request closed on 15 March 2024 23:59. The Relevant Representations received by this deadline have been published along with the Applicant's Certificate of Compliance under Regulation 9b of the Compulsory Acquisition Regulations 2010 (PDF, 89KB).

National Grid Electricity Distribution Plc has been given until 16 April 2024 to provide their Relevant Representation and Written Representation as the Applicant's notice of the proposed provision was issued to an out-of-date address.

26 March 2024

The Examining Authority (ExA) has issued a Rule 13 Notice of Hearings (PDF, 166KB) to be held on Tuesday 23 April 2024.

The Examining Authority has accepted Additional Submissions from the following:

The Relevant Representation period and deadline for Written Representations on the Applicant's change request closed on 15 March 2024 23:59. The Relevant Representations received by this deadline have been published along with the Applicant's Certificate of Compliance under Regulation 9b of the Compulsory Acquisition Regulations 2010 (PDF, 89KB).

National Grid Electricity Distribution Plc has been given until 16 April 2024 to provide their Relevant Representation and Written Representation as the Applicant's notice of the proposed provision was issued to an out-of-date address.

25 March 2024

The Examining Authority has issued a Rule 13 Notice of Hearings (PDF, 166KB) to be held on Tuesday 23 April 2024.

The Relevant Representation period and deadline for Written Representations on the Applicant's change request closed on 15 March 2024 23:59. The Relevant Representations received by this deadline will be published shortly.

National Grid Electricity Distribution Plc has been given until 16 April 2024 to provide their Relevant Representation and Written Representation as the Applicant's notice of the proposed provision was issued to an out-of-date address.

20 March 2024

The Examining Authority's Second Written Questions (PDF, 473KB) have now been published.

The Action Points from ISH5 Wednesday 13 March 2024 (PDF, 204KB) have been published.

19 March 2024

The Examining Authority's Second Written Questions (PDF, 473KB) have now been published.

18 March 2024

The Deadline 4A submissions have been published.

The Planning Inspectorate's webpage for the West Burton Solar Project will be moved over to the new National Infrastructure Planning website on Wednesday 20 March 2024. This means that the information currently on the 'Overview tab' will be presented in a different way and the way you access documents will be different.

Please contact the Case Team if you have any queries about the change:

15 March 2024

The recordings and transcripts of Issue Specific Hearing 5 on Wednesday 13 March 2024 have been published.

Following the ExA's decision to accept the Applicant Proposed Provision for examination (PDF, 249 KB), comments are now invited on the Applicant’s proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land by 23:59 on Friday 15 March 2024.

Any comments must be made on the Registration and Relevant Representation Form and must relate only to the Applicant proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land as set out in the Applicant Change Request documents. Any submissions that are not in relation to this, or are not on the prescribed form, will not be seen by the ExA and will be disregarded. Comments submitted after the deadline will also be disregarded.

The Planning Inspectorate's webpage for the West Burton Solar Project will be moved over to the new National Infrastructure Planning website on Wednesday 20 March 2024. This means that the information currently on the 'Overview tab' will be presented in a different way and the way you access documents will be different.

Please contact the Case Team if you have any queries about the change:

13 March 2024

Instructions for those wishing to participate in the Issue Specific Hearing 5 on Wednesday 13 March 2024 have been sent. For those wishing to observe the ISH5 in real time please use the following livestream link:

The Agenda can be accessed here: ISH5 Agenda (PDF, 125 KB)

Following the ExA's decision to accept the Applicant Proposed Provision for examination (PDF, 249 KB), comments are now invited on the Applicant's proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land by 23:59 on Friday 15 March 2024.

Any comments must be made on the Registration and Relevant Representation Form and must relate only to the Applicant proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land as set out in the Applicant Change Request documents. Any submissions that are not in relation to this, or are not on the prescribed form, will not be seen by the ExA and will be disregarded. Comments submitted after the deadline will also be disregarded.

The Planning Inspectorate's webpage for the West Burton Solar Project will be moved over to the new National Infrastructure Planning website during week commencing 18 March 2024. This means that the information currently on the 'Overview’ tab' will be presented in a different way and the way you access documents will be different.

Please contact the Case Team if you have any queries about the change:

7 March 2024

The Agenda for Issue Specific Hearing 5 (PDF, 128KB) has been amended and re-published due to a change made by the Examining Authority (ExA) to the running order of two of Agenda Items. Please use this version going forward.

The Deadline 4 Submissions have been published. The ExA has accepted the following as late submissions for Deadline 4 from the Applicant:

WB6.3.14.3_D ES Appendix 14.3 Outline Public Rights of Way Management Plan Revision D (Clean) (PDF, 21MB)

WB6.3.14.3_D ES Appendix 14.3 Outline Public Rights of Way Management Plan Revision D (Tracked) (PDF, 21MB)

Following the ExA's decision to accept the Applicant Proposed Provision for examination (PDF, 249 KB), comments are now invited on the Applicant's proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land by 23:59 on Friday 15 March 2024.

Any comments must be made on the Registration and Relevant Representation Form and must relate only to the Applicant proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land as set out in the Applicant Change Request documents. Any submissions that are not in relation to this, or are not on the prescribed form, will not be seen by the ExA and will be disregarded. Comments submitted after the deadline will also be disregarded.

The Planning Inspectorate's webpage for the West Burton Solar Project will be moved over to the new National Infrastructure Planning website during week commencing 18 March 2024. This means that the information currently on the 'Overview’ tab' will be presented in a different way and the way you access documents will be different.

Please contact the Case Team if you have any queries about the change:

7 March 2024

The Agenda for Issue Specific Hearing 5 (PDF, 128KB) has been amended and re-published due to a change made by the ExA (Examining Authority) to the running order of two of Agenda Items. Please use this version going forward.

The Deadline 4 Submissions have been published

Following the ExA’s decision to accept the Applicant Proposed Provision for examination (PDF, 249 KB), comments are now invited on the Applicant’s proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land by 23:59 on Friday 15 March 2024.

Any comments must be made on the Registration and Relevant Representation Form and must relate only to the Applicant proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land as set out in the Applicant Change Request documents. Any submissions that are not in relation to this, or are not on the prescribed form, will not be seen by the ExA and will be disregarded. Comments submitted after the deadline will also be disregarded.

The Planning Inspectorate’s webpage for the West Burton Solar Project will be moved over to the new National Infrastructure Planning website during week commencing 18 March 2024. This means that the information currently on the ‘Overview’ tab’ will be presented in a different way and the way you access documents will be different.

Please contact the Case Team if you have any queries about the change:

6 March 2024

The Agenda for Issue Specific Hearing 5 (PDF, 128KB) has been amended and re-published due to a change made by the ExA (Examining Authority) to the running order of two of Agenda Items. Please use this version going forward.

The Deadline 4 Submissions have been published.

Following the ExAs decision to accept the Applicant Proposed Provision for examination (PDF, 249 KB), comments are now invited on the Applicants proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land by 23:59 on Friday 15 March 2024.

Any comments must be made on the Registration and Relevant Representation Form and must relate only to the Applicant proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land as set out in the Applicant Change Request documents. Any submissions that are not in relation to this, or are not on the prescribed form, will not be seen by the ExA and will be disregarded. Comments submitted after the deadline will also be disregarded.

The Planning Inspectorates webpage for the West Burton Solar Projects move to the new BETA service has been postponed. Further information will be published on this in due course.

6 March 2024

The Agenda for Issue Specific Hearing 5 Wednesday 13 March 2024 has been published.

The Deadline 4 Submissions have been published.

Following the Examining Authoritys (ExA) decision to accept the Applicant Proposed Provision for examination (PDF, 249 KB), comments are now invited on the Applicants proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land by 23:59 on Friday 15 March 2024.

Any comments must be made on the Registration and Relevant Representation Form and must relate only to the Applicant proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land as set out in the Applicant Change Request documents. Any submissions that are not in relation to this, or are not on the prescribed form, will not be seen by the ExA and will be disregarded. Comments submitted after the deadline will also be disregarded.

The Planning Inspectorates webpage for the West Burton Solar Projects move to the new BETA service has been postponed. Further information will be published on this in due course.

4 March 2024

The Deadline 4 Submissions have been published.

Following the Examining Authority's (ExA) decision to accept the Applicant Proposed Provision for examination (PDF, 249 KB), comments are now invited on the Applicants proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land by 23:59 on Friday 15 March 2024.

Any comments must be made on the Registration and Relevant Representation Form and must relate only to the Applicant proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land as set out in the Applicant Change Request documents. Any submissions that are not in relation to this, or are not on the prescribed form, will not be seen by the ExA and will be disregarded. Comments submitted after the deadline will also be disregarded.

The Planning Inspectorate's webpage for the West Burton Solar Project's move to the new BETA service has been postponed. Further information will be published on this in due course.

27 February 2024

Following the Examining Authority's (ExA) decision to accept the Applicant Proposed Provision for examination (PDF, 249 KB), comments are now invited on the Applicants proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land by 23:59 on Friday 15 March 2024.

Any comments must be made on the Registration and Relevant Representation Form and must relate only to the Applicant proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land as set out in the Applicant Change Request documents. Any submissions that are not in relation to this, or are not on the prescribed form, will not be seen by the ExA and will be disregarded. Comments submitted after the deadline will also be disregarded.

The Planning Inspectorate's webpage for the West Burton Solar Project's move to the new BETA service has been postponed. Further information will be published on this in due course.

16 February 2024

The Action Points from the following hearings have been published:

The Examining Authority has issued a notice of a Hearing and changes to the Examination Timetable (PDF, 272 KB)

The ExA has, at their discretion, accepted a submission from Neil Elliott as an Additional Submission (PDF, 563 KB)

Following the Examining Authoritys (ExA) decision to accept the Applicant Proposed Provision for examination (PDF, 249 KB), comments are now invited on the Applicants proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land by 23:59 on Friday 15 March 2024.

Any comments must be made on the Registration and Relevant Representation Form and must relate only to the Applicant proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land as set out in the Applicant Change Request documents. Any submissions that are not in relation to this, or are not on the prescribed form, will not be seen by the ExA and will be disregarded. Comments submitted after the deadline will also be disregarded.

The Planning Inspectorate webpage for the West Burton Solar project will be moved entirely over to the new BETA service on 19 February 2024. This means that the appearance of the "Overview" tab will be more consistent with the tabs on the BETA project webpage, and that information on the current "Overview" tab may be presented in a different way. Please contact the Case Team if you have any concerns or queries:

14 February 2024

The Examining Authority has issued a notice of a Hearing and changes to the Examination Timetable (PDF, 272 KB)

The ExA has published the Note of the Unaccompanied Site Inspection Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 January 2024 (PDF, 404 KB)

Following the Examining Authority's (ExA) decision to accept the Applicant's Proposed Provision for examination (PDF, 249 KB), comments are now invited on the Applicant's proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land by 23:59 on Friday 15 March 2024.

Any comments must be made on the Registration and Relevant Representation Form and must relate only to the Applicant’s proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land as set out in the Applicant's Change Request documents. Any submissions that are not in relation to this, or are not on the prescribed form, will not be seen by the ExA and will be disregarded. Comments submitted after the deadline will also be disregarded.

9 February 2024

Following the Examining Authority's (ExA) decision to accept the Applicant's Proposed Provision for examination (PDF, 249 KB), comments are now invited on the Applicant's proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land by 23:59 on Friday 15 March 2024.

Any comments must be made on the Registration and Relevant Representation Form and must relate only to the Applicant’s proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land as set out in the Applicant's Change Request documents. Any submissions that are not in relation to this, or are not on the prescribed form, will not be seen by the ExA and will be disregarded. Comments submitted after the deadline will also be disregarded.

The recordings and transcripts of Issue Specific Hearing 3 on Wednesday 7 February 2024 and Issue Specific Hearing 4 on Thursday 8 February 2024 have been published.

8 February 2024

Following the Examining Authority's (ExA) decision to accept the Applicant's Proposed Provision for examination (PDF, 249 KB), comments are now invited on the Applicant's proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land by 23:59 on Friday 15 March 2024.

Any comments must be made on the Registration and Relevant Representation Form and must relate only to the Applicant's proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land as set out in the Applicant's Change Request documents. Any submissions that are not in relation to this, or are not on the prescribed form, will not be seen by the ExA and will be disregarded. Comments submitted after the deadline will also be disregarded.

Instructions for those wishing to participate in the hearings scheduled Tuesday 6 – Thursday 8 February 2024 have been sent. For those wishing to observe any of the Hearings in real time please use the following livestream link:

Please note that the Hearings will start broadcasting LIVE once they open. If the livestream does not initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the webpage. If you have any issues with accessing the livestream, please contact the Case Team: or 0303 444 5000

Please note that the agendas for ISH3 Wednesday 7 February 2024 and ISH4 Thursday 8 February 2024 have been updated:

The recordings and transcripts of the Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 on Tuesday 6 February 2024 have been published.

7 February 2024

Instructions for those wishing to participate in the hearings scheduled Tuesday 6 – Thursday 8 February 2024 have been sent. For those wishing to observe any of the Hearings in real time please use the following livestream link:

Please note that the Hearings will start broadcasting LIVE once they open. If the livestream does not initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the webpage. If you have any issues with accessing the livestream, please contact the Case Team: or 0303 444 5000

Please note that the agendas for ISH3 Wednesday 7 February 2024 and Thursday 8 February 2024 have been updated:

The recordings and transcripts of the Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 on Tuesday 6 February 2024 have been published.

6 February 2024

Instructions for those wishing to participate in the hearings scheduled Tuesday 6 – Thursday 8 February 2024 have been sent. For those wishing to observe any of the Hearings in real time please use the following livestream link:

Please note that the Hearings will start broadcasting LIVE once they open. If the livestream does not initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the webpage. If you have any issues with accessing the livestream, please contact the Case Team: or 0303 444 5000

The Agendas for the hearings Tuesday 6 – Thursday 8 February 2024 have been published:

The following have been accepted into the Examination as Additional Submissions:

Additional Submission from Mark Wardle accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority (PDF, 73KB)

Additional Submission from Victoria White, a non-Interested Party, accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority (PDF, 129KB)’

2 February 2024

The Examining Authority (ExA) has made a Procedural Decision to accept the Applicant’s request to make changes to the application received on 19 January 2024, which includes an update to the Examination Timetable: Rule 8(3) and 9 Procedural Decision (PDF, 249KB)

The Proposed Provisions Checklist (PDF, 168KB) has also been published.

The Applicant's Change Request application documents have been published

The following agendas have been published:

25 January 2024

The following Agendas have been published:

The Agenda for the Compulsory Acquisition Hearing Tuesday 6 February will be published as soon as possible.

Instructions for those wishing to participate in the Issue Specific Hearing 2 on Tuesday 23 January and Open Floor Hearing 2 Wednesday 24 January 2024 have been sent. For those wishing to observe any of the Hearings in real time please use the following livestream link:

Please note that the Hearings will start broadcasting LIVE once they open. If the livestream does not initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the webpage. If you have any issues with accessing the livestream, please contact the Case Team: or 0303 444 5000

23 January 2024

The following Agendas have been published:

Open Floor Hearing 2 Agenda Wednesday 24 January 2024 (PDF, 122KB)

Issue Specific Hearing 3 Agenda Wednesday 7 February 2024 (PDF, 169KB)

Issue Specific Hearing 4 Thursday 8 February 2024 (PDF, 155KB)

The Agenda for the Compulsory Acquisition Hearing Tuesday 6 February will be published as soon as possible.

Instructions for those wishing to participate in the Issue Specific Hearing 2 on Tuesday 23 January and Open Floor Hearing 2 Wednesday 24 January 2024 have been sent. For those wishing to observe any of the Hearings in real time please use the following livestream link:

Please note that the Hearings will start broadcasting LIVE once they open. If the livestream does not initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the webpage. If you have any issues with accessing the livestream, please contact the Case Team: or 0303 444 5000

12 January 2024

10 January 2024

5 January 2024

The Deadline 2 submissions have been published.

The Applicant has submitted a notification of their intention to submit a Change Request (PDF, 2MB). Please note that the publication of the Applicant’s Change Notification does not indicate that the proposed changes to the application have been accepted for examination by the Examining Authority (ExA). The ExA will issue a Procedural Decision in response to the Change Notification in due course. In the meantime, any comments/responses about the merits of the application should be made in respect of the application as originally submitted.

The Examination Library (PDF 696KB) has been updated.

19 December 2023

15 December 2023

The Examining Authority’s First Written Questions (PDF, 1MB) have been published.

12 December 2023

The Deadline 1A Submissions have been published. The Examination Library (PDF 699KB) has been updated.

30 November 2023

The Deadline 1 submissions have been published.

17 November 2023

The Rule 8 Notification of Examination Timetable (PDF, 297KB)  has been published.

The Action Points from Issue Specific Hearing 1 Thursday 9 November 2023 (PDF, 108KB) have been published.

16 November 2023

The Examination Timetable (Rule 8 letter) has been sent to Interested Parties.

Procedural decision following Preliminary Meeting.

8 November 2023

Instructions for those wishing to participate in the resumed Preliminary Meeting, Open Floor Hearing 1 on 8 November 2023 and Issue Specific Hearing 1 on Thursday 9 November 2023 have been sent. For those wishing to observe any of the Hearings in real time please use the following livestream link:

Please note that the Hearings will start broadcasting LIVE once they open. If the livestream does not initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the webpage. If you have any issues with accessing the livestream, please contact the Case Team: or 0303 444 5000.

The Agendas for the Open Floor Hearing 1 Wednesday 8 November 2023 (PDF, 160 KB) and Issue Specific Hearing 1 Thursday 9 November 2023 (PDF, 132 KB) have been published.

The notification of the resumed Preliminary Meeting (Rule 6 Letter) (PDF 368KB) has been issued. This letter also contains notification of hearings and the updated draft Examination Timetable.

8 November 2023

Examination begins

2 November 2023

The submissions for Procedural Deadline B have been published.

The Agendas for the Open Floor Hearing 1 Wednesday 8 November 2023 (PDF, 160 KB) and Issue Specific Hearing 1 Thursday 9 November 2023 (PDF, 132 KB) have been published.

The notification of the resumed Preliminary Meeting (Rule 6 Letter) (PDF 368KB) has been issued. This letter also contains notification of hearings and the updated draft Examination Timetable.

26 October 2023

The Agendas for the Open Floor Hearing 1 Wednesday 8 November 2023 (PDF, 160 KB) and Issue Specific Hearing 1 Thursday 9 November 2023 (PDF, 132 KB) have been published.

The deadline to request attendance at the Preliminary Meeting (Wednesday 8 November 2023), Open Floor Hearing 1 or Issue Specific Hearing 1, or to make a submission on the draft Examination Timetable, is 23:59 Tuesday 31 October 2023 (Procedural Deadline B) via the 'Make A Submission' tab.

The notification of the resumed Preliminary Meeting (Rule 6 Letter) (PDF 368KB) has been issued. This letter also contains notification of hearings and the updated draft Examination Timetable.

11 October 2023

The notification of the resumed Preliminary Meeting (Rule 6 Letter) (PDF 368KB) has been issued. This letter also contains notification of hearings and the updated draft Examination Timetable.

11 October 2023

The notification of Preliminary Meeting (Rule 6 letter) has been sent.

The letter also includes the draft Examination Timetable and Initial Assessment of Principal Issues.

13 September 2023

A Procedural Decision (Rule 9) (PDF, 146KB) has been published.
The Examination Library will be updated shortly.

7 September 2023

The Examining Authority (ExA) has today (07 September 2023) announced their procedural decision to adjourn the Preliminary Meeting and delay the start of the Examination.

The Open Floor Hearing scheduled for the afternoon of 7 September 2023 has therefore been postponed.

7 September 2023

Instructions for those wishing to participate in the Preliminary Meeting and Open Floor Hearing on 7 September 2023 have been sent. For those wishing to observe any of the Hearings in real time please use the following livestream link:

Please note that the Hearings will start broadcasting LIVE once they open. If the livestream does not initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the webpage. If you have any issues with accessing the livestream, please contact the Case Team: or 0303 444 5000.

7 September 2023

Preliminary Meeting takes place

31 August 2023

The Agendas for the Preliminary Meeting (PDF, 85KB) and Open Floor Hearing (PDF, 147KB) on 7 September 2023 have been published.

The Procedural Deadline A submissions have been published.

The notification of Preliminary Meeting (Rule 6 letter) (PDF, 403KB) has been sent.

The letter also includes the draft Examination Timetable and Initial Assessment of Principal Issues.

30 August 2023

The Procedural Deadline A submissions have been published.

The notification of Preliminary Meeting (Rule 6 letter) (PDF, 403kb) has been sent.

The letter also includes the draft Examination Timetable and Initial Assessment of Principal Issues.

22 June 2023

Relevant representations published on the website

8 June 2023

Registration of interested parties closes

27 April 2023

Registration of interested parties begins

18 April 2023

The application has been accepted for examination

22 March 2023

This application was received by the Planning Inspectorate on 21 March 2023.

21 March 2023

Application received by the Planning Inspectorate