Back to list West Burton Solar Project

Representation by Jane Gidlow on behalf of Gidlow (Gidlow)

Date submitted
27 April 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. The West Burton proposal is Just 1 of 4 Solar, Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) within a few miles of each other. Together this would be the largest solar farm complex in Europe and would amount to 10,000 acres in total. At present all 4 proposals will be examined independently I think that they should they be assessed altogether as a single project. 2. The West Burton Solar project, of 2,000 acres, combined with the other 3 proposals have a cumulative effect of 10,000 acres of farmland lost and the industrialisation of the area as a whole. We cannot afford to lose food producing land at this rate. Solar panels should not be placed on farmland. 3. There will be 2,000 acres of unprecedented 4.5m high mechanised solar panels. this would dominate the landscape and change rural outlooks into industrialised outlooks. 4. The proposal would be highly visible from areas such as the B1398 "Lincoln cliff road." This is designated as an Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV). My views, walks and enjoyment of the countryside be affected by this solar proposal. it would also effect my mental well being. I feel it would have a detrimental impact on tourism for the area 5. Proposals are for 3 separate parcels of land over 1000 acres. the ecological disruption would be huge. There are birds of prey, deer, badgers, foxes, frogs, toads and newts, hedgehogs which would be disrupted and their habitats destroyed by the unnecessary civil works involved in the cable connections. 7. There would be a 4 year construction period when combined with the other 3 projects on a building site of 10,000 acres. this would cause noise, disruption and damage to small roads which are already in poor disrepair. 8. Were important factors such as brownfield site use, panel height and glare, battery storage, generation capabilities and flood risk, sincerely and accurately considered? 9.The role solar can play is limited because it provides power intermittently and least power when we need it most – e.g. winter evenings. The proposed developments are an inefficient use of land, for their contribution to the energy mix. I feel it would be more effective to install solar panels on commercial roofs, where it will be used directly. I feel a series of small nuclear power stations would be far better. 10. The solar farm apparatus is likely to be manufactured abroad (China) and the construction labour sourced from outside the area. I do not think that we should be importing any goods from China. I do not feel it is an ethically sound proposal? Will the human rights of these overseas workers be respected?