Back to list West Burton Solar Project

Representation by Joseph Henry Creswell

Date submitted
27 April 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Although I am for the development of Solar energy as a sustainable method for energy production I am firmly against this project due to its scale and impact on our beautiful Lincolnshire countryside. I am also concerned that the West Burton development is being put forward as a stand alone development when it is in fact part of a much larger four phase development to industrialise our local area which I understand will cover circa 10,000 acres surrounding our local village in which our homes are located. I also feel that there is a moral issue with locating these projects on good agricultural farmland when there are plenty of lower grade sites on flood plains and redundant industrial locations across our nation. I feel strongly that our government and planning authorities have a moral duty to of care to protect our countryside and stop projects on such a large industrial scale. Solar energy projects should be developed on a much more sensitive scale linked to private residential and business buildings and benefitting the wider public with low cost energy, it should not be the exclusive right of agricultural landowners and industrial energy companies pursuing profits at the expense of our quality of living. I hope that those given the responsibility for making these life changing decisions respect the views of local people who live in our community and the for ever changed impact on our countryside. Please make the right decision and stop these projects.