Back to list West Burton Solar Project

Representation by Carol Lynn Harrison

Date submitted
27 April 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This West Burton proposal is 2,000 acres. One of four solar, Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) within a few miles of each other. Together this would be the largest solar farm complex in Europe and would amount to 10,000 acres in total. All four proposals are being examined independently which is ridiculous. We will literally be swamped on all sides by these hideous and pointless panels. The four proposals should be judged as one. 2,000 acres of unprecedented 4.5m high mechanised solar panels is not what I want to see in my village of Marton. They will dominate the landscape and be highly visible from areas such as the B1398 "Lincoln cliff road." This is designated as an Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV). All the views, walks and enjoyment of the countryside of many walkers and dog walkers will be affected by this solar proposal. Good growing farmland will be lost at a time of food shortages and price hikes. Lincolnshire the breadbasket of England? Solar panels should be on brownfield land if on farmland at all. Skills within agriculture will be affected forever if jobs are lost. The Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) near the village of Marton is a potential fire and chemical risk to life and property and is the part of the West Burton farm nearest to my house. I came here to benefit my mental health and reduce my anxiety. Will it be less with the potential for toxic explosions near by? I don't think so. These farms should not be located anywhere near residential property. They hum constantly too. I came here for the silence. Put the farms on industrial sites where they belong The West Burton farm is proposed to be on three separate parcels of land miles from the proposed grid connection which would mean disruption by the unnecessary civil works involved in the cable connections. Other more suitable industrial sites are nearer to the grid connection. The four year construction period of all four sites together will create a building site of 10,000 acres with huge lorries thundering up and down country lanes day and night. Is this proposal beginning to sound like nonsense? It should be. On farmland this scheme would decimate the local wildlife. Some wild animals, such as deer and badgers will possibly die off completely. A sad loss for the area. I think all the developers involved, including Island Green Power are only interested in lining their pockets in the cheapest way. They don't care about the area, the wildlife or the residents of the thirty villages involved within the 10,000 acres. It's certain that none of them live here in this nightmare they are proposing. Lastly solar power is inefficient. It only provides power when the sun shines and certainly not at night. It's like boiling a kettle and expecting the hot water to fill the bathtubs of the residents of the 10,000 acres. Please will someone at the Planning Inspectorate wake up and see what's really happening here. A huge con.