Back to list West Burton Solar Project

Representation by Lorraine Hardy

Date submitted
27 April 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This is not the most constructive way of making use of solar energy. There are many industrial as well as farm buildings with roof space that could be used to incorporate this system. There are thousands of new builds going up, this system should be incorporated into the roofs of these buildings. The land the power station is already on, why is this not being used as a solar farm? - At a time when our country is looking at ways of being more self sufficient particularly in food production, this isn’t the most efficient use of the land. - Research done in the USA has proven that large scale solar farms are affecting migratory birds. - Mental health issues are at an all time high in Lincolnshire. Research has proven green spaces are very beneficial to people with mental health issues. These projects will reduce our access to green spaces. - These projects will profoundly affect our farming community. The land would be better put to use by a new generation of young farmers with a knowledge of biodiversity and sustainable food production. - As a resident near to where these proposed industrial solar farms would be sited I feel strongly that there is no ethical approach with regards to the local people. We have not heard of any offer of supporting the local communities or offsetting the impact of these corporate schemes. -Huge impact on local roads for 3 years. This project is going to take roughly 3 years to complete. In this time, hundreds of heavy duty vehicles are going to be trundling through small villages and single track roads. Not only will this be of huge hindrance to the local people, but it has the potential to cause damage to the roads that were not built for this level of activity and to the wildlife and biodiversity of the verges. - What is the longevity of these projects? Who is to say that the low efficiency of these panels render the investors short of money and they sell the project off to another company, potentially in another country. Who will maintain the solar panels? Who will clear up the mess if the project is left deserted in the future? A disconnected solar panel on a rooftop would not look so bad, but acres of broken, unmaintained solar panels in our countryside...would look horrific.