Back to list West Burton Solar Project

Representation by David Swayne

Date submitted
27 April 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This is 1 of 4 Solar NSIPs within a few miles of each other and together would be the largest solar farm complex in Europe, amounting to over 10,000 acres. Given the impact upon the community as a whole, these 4 projects should be assessed together. The West Burton Solar project is circa 2,000 acres that would occupy productive farmland, reducing the countries ability to produce food. Across the four projects that would be 10,000 acres of productive ground that is no longer available for food production at a time when food security is becoming an issue for the UK. These projects would be better situated on commercial roof space, brownfield sites and new build housing. Why aren't the developers looking at these alternative locations first? The proposed site would be visible from areas such as the B1398 'Lincoln Cliff Road' which is designated as an Area of Great Landscape Value. The views, walks and enjoyment of the countryside would be negatively impacted by this proposal. The battery energy storage system to be situated near the village of Marton is a potential fire and chemical risk to life and property. It is not acceptable to site this kind of infrastructure close to residential areas. Were important issues such as: brownfield site use, panel height, glare, limited generation capabilities (cloudy days and darkness) and flood risk sincerely and accurately communicated to the local community? I haven't seen any information on these topics and therefore believe that they weren't, which questions the quality of the consultation undertaken by the developers. Solar generates little power when it is most needed, for example cold, dark winter evenings and nights. The proposed development is an inefficient use of land for a limited contribution to the energy mix.