Back to list West Burton Solar Project

Representation by Mark Wardle

Date submitted
28 April 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish lodge my objections against this wholly inappropriate development. My many concerns include the use of active arable farmland that are required to bolster the UK food security, the huge irreparable ecological damage by fencing off huge tracts of countryside by interrupting wildlife corridors and loss of habitat for ground dwelling creatures that require uninterrupted movement such as the endangered Brown Hare,various deer species and ground dwelling birds such as Common and Red legged Partridge. I have concerns over the safety of the battery storage infrastructure, how the transmission cables with travel from the various sites and cross a main navigable river to the grid connection point. As you are aware there is a proposed cluster of massive developments in close proximity to each other these in total will obliterate massive areas of farmland with a hugely detrimental effect on the whole visible landscape for miles, if you were to view the area from Middle Street/Hemswell cliff and Scampton view point over to the Trent Valley you would see nothing but solar panels and occasional fields. I wish to reiterate that I am not anti-solar but I believe that siting them on some of the most active and efficient arable farmland would be truly catastrophic for agricultural and the nation.