Back to list West Burton Solar Project

Representation by Lynda D Martin

Date submitted
29 April 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My husband and I went to Edwinstowe in the week and passed an area that used to be part of the colliery. The land alongside the road had been covered with solar panels, I might add not as large as the proposed panels for our local development, on the other side of the road the batteries were placed, on top of one another. All I can say is that the area looked terrible, a total lack of maintenance or care, the panel site was an absolute mess. However this had nothing in comparison to the battery area - a local refuse site would have looked 100% tidier and cleaner than that on show. If that is what will surround our villages - God help us . We live in a large area of outstanding beauty, important historical estates dating back in time. The majority of the land surrounding the area is used for the production of food, which, at this time is of the most important consideration for the people of this country. The road infrastructure is no where near adequate to accommodate the solar panel industry, subject to subsidence and minor road status. We are continually subjected to traffic holdups as traffic has to cross the river Trent to exit or enter Gainsborough. Where I live, we are able to enjoy wildlife of all kinds, deer, hares, Buzzards, Kites, Goldcrests, bees and many more which would be hampered or lost through this proposed development. I myself am a [] who, thankfully at the moment, am in []. However the lack of concern over the destruction of our land is causing me a great deal of stress. Having been an owner of solar panels in the past, I can honestly say, with hand on heart, they are not what they are made out to be. Totally useless when it is cloudy, cold and raining. Once the energy has been used you have to wait until the sun shines once more to upload further energy - not satisfactory for household use. With all that said, the energy gained from the panels will not be beneficial to many of us who live in the area, being syphoned off to Nottingham etc., therefore I would suggest, put the panels on brown-sites, or cover the massive new builds being erected for warehouse/factory premises.