Back to list West Burton Solar Project

Representation by Margaret Fields

Date submitted
29 April 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This application from West Burton Solar Ltd needs to be considered alongside the other proposed solar farms including Cottam, Gate Burton and Tillbridge. Together the proposals intend to take up c 10,000 acres of growing land. Given the proven lack of food security since the Russian invasion of Ukraine we cannot afford to give up swathes of productive agricultural land to solar farms. Any Government Body should recognise this and stop this from happening. Government Policy should focus on placing solar panels on all new builds and give incentives for retro fit on older properties. Panels should be placed on industrial sites and brown field sites. There is no need to take up prime growing land and indeed it would be irresponsible to allow this. One local farmer who would have to give up his livelihood of four generations to solar panels stated that the wheat that he produces would feed the population of the City of Hull for one year with bread. That's how significant his small area of farmland is, so the harvests of 10,000 acres would be many times more than this. Lincolnshire is a major agricultural county. Landowners have farmed the land for generations and the land has produced good crops - you cannot and should not allow this to be taken over by solar panels. Jobs within agriculture will be lost and skills will potentially be lost forever. The visual impact on what is a beautiful rural area would be horrendous, in- particular the views from the cliff road – B1398. Enjoyment of anyone walking or enjoying recreation in and around the proposed sites would be impaired. No -one wants to see the ugly black wall that these will create and will be seen for miles. The Company informs us that there will be wildflowers growing under the panels - unless these are well managed it will turn into an area full of weeds. The wildlife and habitat that will be destroyed is terrible. We currently have in the vicinity, birds of prey, Skylarks Deer, Hares, Woodpeckers, Owls and Bats to name a few. Where will these go to? How can you allow this decimation of habitat and the countryside? The battery storage systems are extremely hazardous and the proposal is close to Marton village. It’s too late when one sets alight and gives off toxic fumes and kills people. Surely these battery storage facilities should be placed within the existing West Burton and Cottam Power Station sites if it goes ahead, rather than placing them close to communities. No-one has said what the impact on human health is from the day to day operation of the panels and the water run-off. The panels are only about 25% effective, so the proposals to severely damage swathes of countryside for such a small benefit should be critically questioned. The proposal will cover a significant part of the West Lindsey District which is unfair and destructive. When the power is most needed, it’s not available, so very inefficient. It seems the greed of a few to the detriment of many. This is immoral! The West Burton Energy site is close to historic buildings such as Gate Burton Hall and the Chateau. This scheme (s) would be detrimental to the heritage of the area. The construction phase for the schemes together will be approximately four years. This would cause severe disruption for local residents. These proposals are already causing distress and concern to residents - the well- being of people and their worries and concerns could lead to an impact on their mental health. This needs to be a consideration. Were important factors genuinely taken into account and accurately communicated by the applicant, or are they just wanting to dump it on us because it’s the easy option, being close to the connection and cheaper for them? Or are they putting them on land because its available to them, rather than looking at the current potential of the land to grow crops. On my regular walks across the fields, there is an abundance of healthy crops growing, so it’s definitely not poor grade farmland as stated. Things such as panel size - they have told me 3.5 to 4 metres. Impact on human health, noise levels - they told me there will be some continuous low-level noise from the panels - how will this impact on people’s wellbeing? Also battery storage, panel size and glare and flood risk. These Companies can say what they want to during the consultation period, but do they deliver on their promises and who enforces and ensures that they do what they say they will do? The manufacture of the components for the solar panels is likely to be in China and the construction labour sourced from outside the area - not generating local jobs. Is this ethical and will the Chinese workers be exploited in order to make the panels and the distance travelled will have a massive environmental impact? I am absolutely against these proposals. Lincolnshire deserves better for its rural nature and residents. It is vital that you consider these concerns before the huge damage - that will be irreversible if the scheme(s) go ahead. This proposal(s) will cover most of the West Lindsey District, it will damage the environment and habitat, it will destroy communities and the