Back to list West Burton Solar Project

Representation by Geoffrey Turner

Date submitted
4 May 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am vehemently against the siting of 2000, 4.5m solar panels close to this small, rural village, together with battery storage buildings in Marton, for clear, rational reasons. 1. The sheer scale of all of these projects will have a dramatic, negative impact on the area. Whilst the village understands the need to explore alternative energy sources, we do not believe that 10,000 acres of industrialisation of green belt with solar infrastructure, is the way forward. 2. These projects will take out 10,000 acres of valuable food production land, at a time when the country is desperate to secure our own food sources and reduce imports. 3. The installation of such a large expanse of technology will negatively impact on wildlife welfare and diversity, at a time when this country is amongst the world’s worst example of reduction in diversity. 4. The human impact of such a huge development cannot be underestimated. Mental health and well-being have been cornerstones of recovery since the COVID pandemic. The residents of Brampton Village deserve more than to be surrounded by inefficient solar panels sited at an outrageous cost on green belt land. 5. Finally, the impact on the value & potential demand for property in Brampton can only be negative. The village is of the view that the proposals will reduce the value of their properties. This is a bad proposal, made worse by the complete exclusion of residents views as a result of decisions taken outside the usual planning procedures. There will be winners and losers; the winners will clearly be business and land owners, but the local population/residents will certainly be losers should any of these schemes be approved. .