Back to list West Burton Solar Project

Representation by David Turnock

Date submitted
8 May 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. All FOUR applications that effect 10,000 acres should be viewed together. 2. Food production is vitally important to the countries self sufficiency particularly in this time of conflicts and adverse weather abroad. 3. Farms would be lost, causing job losses not only to agricultural workers be to associated professions. 4. The loss of fields would drive wildlife further back it is already dealing with loss of habitat. This effects the ability for birds of prey to hunt as well as ground feeders to forage, 5. Pollinators would again be lost which as we all know is vital to the food chain.....hence the separate point. 6. Pollution. this would massively increased during construction and potentially with contamination of the land from battery storage .Not to mention fire risks. 7. The acres of solar panels would completely change the rural landscape. Destroying any mental health and mindfulness benefits from walking. 8. Panel reflection would be a danger to local aviation. Although I agree the need for clean energy this should be on non agricultural brown field sites.