Back to list West Burton Solar Project

Representation by T Noy

Date submitted
13 May 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The development of agricultural land for quasi industrial purpose is a short sighted move. In consideration of recent events uk food production and self sufficiency in agricultural products should be a number 1 priority. Once the land is desecrated in this way it will never be able to be returned to productive use for food production. The effect of thousands of solar panels on the local wildlife is incalcuable. The lincolnshire landscape would have a huge blot that would render local tourism obsolete along with the supporting employment. The areas concerned have very minor roads not suitable to heavy traffic loads which would neccesarily be required to implement such a vast scheme the maintenance of such roads would have to be borne by the local councils in what is a very rural area with very limited income to support such expensive maintenance. There must be much more suitable ways to generate solar power that should be investigated. I realise that everything is down to cost but costs not only accrue in monetary terms but also in mental health, destruction of the countryside and subsequent wildlife loss. Lithium ion batteries are a poison to the planet and once poisoned can never be healed. A quick look at what China has done to there agricultural land should be warning enough. I urge you to reject the proposals completely