Back to list West Burton Solar Project

Representation by Richard Farley

Date submitted
17 May 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object most strongly to these proposals. Brampton would significantly be affected by this scheme, with adjacent land, currently used for harvestable crops, being converted to industry with the erection of 4.5m mechanised solar panels and other infrastructure. No attempt has even been suggested to screen this impact by the developers which would blight this little hamlet of ours which was originally mentioned in the ‘Domesday Book!’ Whilst fully appreciating the need for the country to become carbon neutral I cannot accept that this should be achieved by sacrificing vast swathes of our countryside to solar power, creating industrial deserts simply owing to our close proximity to the National Grid. Other non intrusive options are available. West Burton Power station has already been earmarked for Nuclear Fusion, then as alternatives, there are Hydro, Offshore Wind, carbon capture on existing stations and rooftop solar on domestic/industrial buildings all capable of contributing to carbon neutrality without such devastating effect. Further the plans for such massive solar farms are totally undemocratic and just money making ventures good only for the few land owners who will benefit from a steady income stream all at the cost of the local population who are now being forced to fight for their very existence and way of life. The companies proposing these schemes are backed by huge finance, the local population are left shaking collection tins to challenge the proceedings. David V Goliath! The Local population, indeed the whole country will suffer in many ways, - The equivalent loss of agricultural and farming land, making us more reliant on food imports which in turn will further affect the self sufficiency of the Nation. In Lincolnshire as a whole this now equates to 20,000 acres, this really is insane. - The loss of carbon capture on the areas turned over to the panels and infrastructure. - Damage to health and wellbeing and will affect many livelihoods reliant on agriculture. - It will have a negative impact on wildlife, their food sources, breeding grounds and habitats, nesting and migration. - These proposals can only have a negative effect on the housing market. Solar energy in this latitude can only be considered at best a second tier power source owing to the climatic and seasonal changes. In winter when demand is high, power generation will be extremely limited with short days and poor weather. In summer when demand is lower there is currently only limited effective power storage available to harvest excess energy. The storage of significant amounts of power is still currently unachievable. Approval of this solar farm would be devastating for the local communities since no amount of mitigation would ameliorate the potential loss of their natural surroundings.