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Representation by Helen Mckibbens

Date submitted
29 May 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

U are going to destroy bushes and trees etc etc,we all know this is all a farce to suit the minority,u are going to kill lots of wild life.I am so disgusted by what is going on.even if we where to get to Net zero we still have to keep it going for something like 30 years after that.This is all a farce,I grew up being told we need trees etc we need co2 etc,now we are being told it’s bad,No I don’t believe’s all crap most of us know it’s all to do with this one world order.We will own nothing and be happy (NO)stop stealing ppl’s lands stop taking ppl’s houses and property,this is no life,this is all a con.and u ppl who will be reading this know fine well it’s all a farce and a con,U ppl know what these power hungry ppl are doing is wrong.