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Representation by Environment Agency (Environment Agency)

Date submitted
5 June 2023
Submitted by
Other statutory consultees

Below is a summary of our relevant representations. We have sent an email with our detailed comments to which should be published alongside this outline. We object to any acquisition of land or rights in relation to the Environment Agency’s land interests until we have had a proper opportunity to assess the potential effects of the acquisitions sought by the applicant on our ability to carry out our operations. We would not agree to disapply the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 in their entirety, we would only accept disapplication of the requirement for a flood risk activity permit. We have reviewed the proposed protective provisions (Schedule 19, Part 9) for the protection of the Environment Agency and do not accept the current wording. Further assessment and/or information will be required on the following to enable the examining authority to make an informed decision: On ecology and biodiversity, we require additional information on filamentous algae in ditches so that we may comment on the target Water Framework Directive waterbody status. On hydrology, flood risk and drainage we have asked for a map of the River Till Flood Storage Area outline overlain onto the illustrative site layout plan and further clarity on the percentage of flood zone 3 that will contain photovoltaic panels. On ground condition and contamination, we have outlined the detail we would expect to see in the Construction Environment Management Plan. On requirements, we have concerns on consultation timescales and would ask these are extended in line with our comments in 7.5-7.7.
