Back to list West Burton Solar Project

Representation by Vanda Colman

Date submitted
6 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This is only 1 of 4 sites that is being proposed in this area collectively making it the largest Solar Farm in Europe covering approximately 11000 acres in total changing food producing rural Lincolnshire into an Industrialised landscape and should be considered as 1 project. The areas proposed is mainly agricultural farm land used to produce food for the for the UK helping the country to become food self sufficient during these uncertain times and should not be taken out of the food production chain. Tenant farmers whose families have worked these lands for generations will be loosing their homes and livelihoods for ever while wealthy land owners not local to this area will be making a small fortune. Island Green Power has sought planning permission for the removal of 35 miles of hedgerows for the West Burton Solar Site. Hedgerows are an important part of our ecological system providing homes for all manner of wildlife including birds hedgehogs badgers and other mammals and amphibians. These large solar companies based mainly in London should not be allowed to turn food producing Lincolnshire the bread basket of the Uk into a Solar Prairie land all in the name of net zero. Food production in the Country is of vital importance and should not be destroyed. The local infrastructure of rural Lincolnshire will not be able to support projects of this size plus the impact the proposed construction works on the the small villages in this area and the massive impact on local residents. The proposal fails to demonstrate the consideration of brown field sites as required by Government policy and the 4 Solar Companies are working closely together. The visual impact will devastating and the proposed screening is inadequate and will take up to 20 years to develop.