Back to list West Burton Solar Project

Representation by David Derex Grahame

Date submitted
7 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. The loss of valuable and productive agricultural land in a time of this country needing to be more self sufficient in food production, as shown by recent world events is the wrong policy. 2. This will cause the loss of agricultural jobs, their livelihoods, as well as suppliers within the industry. 3. The county which relies on the tourist trade will lose out because the lovely views that tourists come to see will become one enormous industrial wasteland, if/when all the separate solar projects are being constructed and in operation. 4. The UK's climate is not suitable for the use of this system for the generation of reliable energy, being only able to produce 10/15% of it's capacity, which is poor compared with other systems, such as wind power. 5. The solar system will rely on being manufactured in foreign counties at great cost to our economy, as well as a possible security risk. 6. The proposed siting of the electrical storage systems, with their potential of releasing poisonous gas if a fault should occur, is a major concern to local residents and property owners. 7. There has been no indication of financial compensation to adjacent property owners, who's property values will fall, or be unsellable, or even receiving free/subsidized electricity. 8. When all the sub-divisions of this, in effect, one enormous solar farm project are approved, the major disruption over a number of years to the counties already poor road system will again adversely affect the whole of the Lincolnshire economy.