Back to list West Burton Solar Project

Representation by Freddie Chambers

Date submitted
7 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Reasons for objecting: 1. The sheer size of this solar farm = out of proportion/context with local countryside and character. 2. Cumulative effect of this and other local solar farms, should they be approved (Cottam, Tillbridge and Gate Burton incl) is enormous. 3. Impact on walkers, road users and residents will be very harmful, if constructed. 4. Whilst solar may be part of our country's solution, it needs to be undertaken, in a considerate way - with regard to the communities and landscape around us - I don't feel this application does that enough (due to scale and impact). .. A 5th local Solar Farm application, know as Stow Park solar farm, is smaller and more in proportion (in terms of proximity to housing, pathways, railway, impact on landscapes) = we should be giving more consideration to this type of application and for it to be determined at a local govt level.