Back to list West Burton Solar Project

Representation by Laura Emma Rothwell

Date submitted
8 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly object to the proposed West Burton Solar Project. As this is one of four current proposals in this area, and due to their proximity to one another, then I feel this should absolutely be taken into account. All four projects should be looked at as an entire development as their proximity to one another is so close. This development would result in a vast industrialisation of what is currently rural, unspoilt countryside and the loss of a considerable amount of arable land growing the UK's food. We desperately need to preserve our farmland and increase food production to become more self-sufficient. The area's road infrastructure would also be drastically affected, resulting in considerable noise, dust, road closures which would vastly impact upon local residents. I feel that this proposed scheme would not only have a catastrophic effect on rural communities, but also have major consequences on the biodiversity of the area. The ripping out of 55 kilometers of hedgerow will do nothing for biodiversity and will ruin the rural vista. We absolutely need to diversify in developing new sustainable ways to produce power, but not to the expense of valuable, productive farmland. Solar panels have their place, which should be on domestic and commercial roof tops. This is yet another knee jerk reaction without the due consideration for years to come. There should be legislation that all new builds, domestic and commercial, should have solar panel's. Other countries seem to manage this, why an earth aren't we? We desperately need to preserve this fragile land for future generations as we haven't made such a good job up until now!