Back to list West Burton Solar Project

Representation by Sally Elliott

Date submitted
8 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. VIEWS & PRIVACY Our property and farming business is in a beautiful rural location. The proposed solar panels project is only 59 metres away from our garden boundary overlooking directly into our kitchen, lounge, private patio bedrooms. The 4.5 m solar panels are a total blot on the landscape and will completely ruin our private views to the south towards Lincoln and Easterly aspects. Furthermore the security cameras on the fences will be a total invasion of our privacy. This is causing our whole family anxiety and stress. Our family's future is heavily invested in our arable farm and this will greatly affect our future plans moving forward. 2. HEALTH RISKS My husband Neil Elliott suffers with Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity- to the extent of severe headaches, dizziness and nausea. The electrical inverters are very close to our property boundary with the proposed solar panels area. According to the World Health Organisation, the range of symptoms that are triggered by exposure to electromagnetic radiation fields (EMF) These are:- headaches, fatigue, skin rashes and sleep disturbance. All are very serious and will affect quality of life if exposure is increases to where we live. They further state that the people who are affected by EMF are not to live close to solar panels project. 3. CABLES The 1430 metres of trenches for the cabling to the proposed solar park to be dug across our agricultural fields to a Width of 3 metres and Depth of 1.2 metres. This will cause a lot of damage to our essential valuable land drainage system. Once it has all been dug through by the contractors and then our land is to be supposedly reinstated to it's original condition. The method is entirely unsatisfactory because the drains will sink and stop working, therefore not clearing the excess water away from our land where the crops are planted. This will be catastrophic for our agricultural land , as it will become waterlogged and cost us 100's of thousands of pounds to rectify. The percentage level of compensation stated in the documents is UN-WHOLLY UNACCEPTABLE. It is no-where near the true amount of costs to rectify the damage. 4. LEVEL OF COMPENSATION These have been no where near the level is should have been, there has not been enough contact directly with Island Green Power to ourselves, as land owners, or to the wider community. There should have been more detailed meetings taken place with the landowners directly affected. The arrangement of consultations between Island Green Power and the landowners has not been dealt with adequately, it should have been a two-way procedure. 5. REMOVING VALUABLE AGRICULTURAL LAND OUT OF USE This is completely unacceptable, as an independent county of the United Kingdom, we are striving for self-sufficiency to support our British Farmers and supply our own population with essential food. It is absolute lunacy for this level of solar panel projects in our area to be considered. 6. IN SUMMARY These are very important factors directly affecting the entire community within our agricultural business area, ALL our homes and the villages surrounding. Please read the objections and consider clearly the massive impact on our Lincolnshire historical and EXTREMELY VALUABLE FARMLAND. Thankyou. Sally Elliott