Back to list West Burton Solar Project

Representation by Adrian Saddler

Date submitted
8 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This project and the other 3 nsip proposed are an abomination which would be utterly destroy farmland,the environment,wildlife,heritage sites,roads,our lives . It is simply the most unacceptable affront to all that constitutes centuries of honest work on our land which has given food and good jobs for our farmers.Our land is not degraded,it is human intelligence and greed that has become degraded in this fake sale of clean energy which will never be produced in the percentages marketed by these developers who are only interested in the biiig financial deal they are seeking. We are being lied to and you all know that,this is NOT the future of energy,fusion is and West Burton has been chosen for a fusion prototype, Able to produce the energy this country needs.The rest is a horrible horrible attempt to destroy all that has been created and given to us to look after and ameliorate.This project would cause unimaginable devastation for many years .I believe in a just God and in a human justice that will prevail over these merchants of darkness which serves a depraved few and their sick commercial interest. Please use your heart and the conscience you all,surely are furnished with.Stop the loss of 12000plus acres of farmland of which West Burton would represent 2500 acres. Regards Adrian Saddler