Back to list West Burton Solar Project

Representation by Rebecca Allen

Date submitted
8 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object strongly to the proposal. It cannot realistically be considered in isolation from the three other significant solar panel farm proposals that will affect this area of Lincolnshire. If they are all agreed to, these projects together would alter our landscape, environment, agricultural outputs, biodiversity, economy, tourism, recreation options with adverse effects on the local population’s physical, mental, emotional and (due to falling house prices and reduction in long term job opportunities ‘on the land’) financial, health. The impact in this area will be not just for those currently living and working in the area but for the next generations over the 40 year term of these proposals. The claims made in these proposal documents are not based on facts, they are significantly statistically bias in their presentations and do not answer the question. what is the total lifecycle carbon footprint of this project. If they cannot / will not answer this - then there is no evidenced based fact on which to support this. In addition this not an isolated application to put solar panels on a few paddocks of poor quality land – it is part of over a 10,000 acre ‘sea’ of 4.5 metre high panels, surrounded by security fences, on productive agricultural land, that will affect the daily life of myself, other residents and our flora and fauna in a myriad of ways. The lack of evidence and real information, rather than the frequently repeated ‘soundbites’, about whether this scheme, and those proposed around it, are in fact going to be a true ‘green’/ carbon neutral at least, alternative energy source that will be of benefit to the local population and its environment rather than just foreign/non-local investor pockets and a government tick box. this is not a green washed project for a few people to finically benefit from an area. Stripping the natural resources and not caring anything about the impact and the environment that remains. This is a project that the next generation will review with distain, frustration and incredulity that a government could be so short sighted and ignorant of the destructive impacts they leave for future generations.