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Back to list Stonestreet Green Solar

Representation by Matthew Patrick O'Driscoll

Date submitted
9 September 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The proposed 116 battery containers will severely impact the environment visually and aurally. These were not evident at the preliminary consultations and consequently risks of noise and fire have not been considered. The visual impact of the entire scheme will be catastrophic for local residents, particularly along the Aldington ridge. Visualisations presented at consultations were misleading at best and possibly dishonest. The land chosen for the scheme is not the most suitable, but simply the most easily available. Many well used Public rights of way and footpaths will be either obliterated or diverted to the point of uselessness. The impact on Biodiversity has not been considered sufficiently and any mitigating measures are inadequate. Species affected include Skylark Yellowhammer and Brown Hare Little or no consideration has been taken of the disturbance and increased traffic that will be inevitable during the construction phase and also for routine servicing and maintenance. EPL001 have no history of successfully completing projects of this size and to entrust them with such an important infrastructure project and the future of a growing village and its inhabitants is a huge and unnecessary risk. They would appear to be opportunists rather than serious professionals.