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Back to list Stonestreet Green Solar

Representation by Jane Lunn

Date submitted
10 September 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to register my opposition to the vastly oversized solar farm due to swallow a huge amount of the green space in Aldington. Also greatly impacting on our neighbouring community of Mersham. I have lived in Aldington for the vast majority of my life and I am currently living on the edge of the proposed development. This area is a beautiful place to live for both the people and wildlife who choose to live here. The main concerns I have are in regard to the light pollution, noise pollution, unknown health effects from installation & then health risks going forward way into the future. All aspects of safety including the fire risk for all that live or work nearby, really do need to be put clearly into the public domain to enable ALL residents to make a factual assessment of the proposed development. I do believe with more factual education, we would hear a lot less comments locally about a solar farm being better than housing. ( current situation Beautiful countryside/farmland or solar farm ).