Representation by Isla Gibbs
- Date submitted
- 10 September 2024
- Submitted by
- Members of the public/businesses
I am an eighteen year old and so obviously have concerns regarding climate change and believe that renewables will be necessary in preventing climate change. However, I believe that the location and implementation of any renewable energy schemes should not have a negative impact on nature, or our way of life. The sights chosen should be selected based on a lesser impact. I believe the Stone Street Solar Scheme has not been chosen with this in mind. There are a variety of far better sights within the area that will not have as detrimental of an impact. The scheme is excessive in size resulting in batter storage that will have a huge negative impact on the area, both in visuals and safety. The way I understand it, if the scheme was reduced in size, these batteries would not be necessary. I have been lucky enough to live in a rural village environment since I was born, and so to think that the industrialisation of the area is imminent for the benefit of renewables is saddening. There is an abundance of wildlife in the area, I regularly see badgers, owls and foxes, and I feel this scheme will have a negative impact on their habitat. Being a new driver, it's also worrying to imagine the increase in traffic during construction and the size of the vehicles that will be travelling down narrow lanes. I am not against renewable energy, but I am against a scheme that is so large and will completely swallow the village, and therefore will forever change its identity.