Representation by Barry Charles Martyn
- Date submitted
- 11 September 2024
- Submitted by
- Members of the public/businesses
I object most strongly to this planning application on the following basis: 1. The scale of the scheme and the visual impact. Whilst I support solar energy when installed on houses or on industrial building, I believe it should only be placed in green field sites as a last resort and then only if it can be properly screened and in a flat landscape where this is achievable. The majority of this application is on the slopes of Aldington Ridge and would be blot on the landscape visible from miles around. 2. The application will affect a number of ancient footpaths which would either be closed or diverted to run alongside solar panels. To walk between 3m high panels is not a prospect that I relish. 3. This scheme would change the whole character of the village of Aldington forever with its total domination of the landscape.