Representation by Alison Lunn
- Date submitted
- 11 September 2024
- Submitted by
- Members of the public/businesses
• Visual Impact The parts of the scheme located on the Aldington Ridge cannot be screened which means that the scheme will be visible from a wide area. It will have an adverse impact on the rural landscape including the far-reaching views across the Stour Valley. It was clear from the inadequate consultation process, that EPL001 do not understand the topography of the land their proposed scheme is on. Some very small, poor landscape visualisations at the first consultation were very misleading and did not include batteries. There were no visualisations at a second poor consultation meeting. • Batteries There has been no consultation on the battery energy storage system. Why are they scattered around the countryside close to our houses and not in a single enclosure close to the converter station? Why hasn’t the fire risk and mitigation measures nor noise issues been explained to us? Batteries on the Aldington Ridge will further degrade the natural landscape. • Footpaths The extensive footpath network is an extremely valuable community resource that has existed for centuries. The rerouting of paths around often wet and flooded field boundaries where the drainage ditches are, will make the path behind Little Gains Farm impassable when this corner of the field floods, as it does every year. • Equestrian This scheme doesn’t take into account those of us who ride our horses and ponies along the lanes nor the byway, in particular Laws Lane and Byway AE396. We ride along Laws Lane, like others do, as it is a quiet single track rural lane. Why are three new access to work points (A2, A3, A4) planned along this single track lane when there is existing access along Bank Road at the former egg farm (A-1). This lane is not suitable for site access and fire engines. • Consultation The attitude of EPL001 at the consultations was uncaring and arrogant. The meetings were for information only and no attempt was made to consult with the community. Many elderly members of our community felt excluded, not understanding what was going on or if they could affect the outcome. The mental wellbeing of many has been seriously impacted. This scheme is not the best design that could be achieved in the area. Any relevant help the community tried to give has been ignored. Important correspondence from EPL0001 was not received apparently due to database errors, according to Giles Frampton. • Flooding The issue of flooding at the corner of Laws Lane and Bank Road is already a very serious one for the residents of Bow and Spring Cottages. The installation and operation of the scheme will undoubtedly increase the risk and magnitude of flooding there and also along Flood Street and in Mersham. This issue has been brought to the attention of EPL001, but they have done nothing. • Archaeology The scheme is bisected by a Roman Road and there is undoubtedly a rich archaeological heritage adjacent to the road, as evidenced by the Kent Historic Environment Record. Piling of solar panels will destroy any archaeological heritage.