Representation by Kent Countryside Access Forum (Kent Countryside Access Forum)
- Date submitted
- 11 September 2024
- Submitted by
- Members of the public/businesses
The Kent Countryside Access Forum advises Kent County Council (KCC) and others on ways to improve public rights of way and green spaces in Kent. It is made up of volunteers who aim to provide a balanced view of access issues and priorities affecting the local area or which might influence national policy. Members represent: users of local rights of way such as walkers, cyclists and horse riders owners and occupiers of the land conservation, tourism, and the rural economy interest groups. We object to the proposal as it stands particularly in relation to the public rights of way and there alignment. We are also concerned about the project harming the enjoyment of the countryside and landscape that is gained from the use of the public rights of way, particularly how close to the town of Ashford and future developments to the east of the site. Given the size of the project we would expect greater enhancement of the public rights of way within the site and externally as to encourage all users including cyclists and horse riders to enjoy the wider countryside in the area.