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Dod o hyd i Brosiect Seilwaith Cenedlaethol

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Yn ôl i'r rhestr Stonestreet Green Solar

Cynrychiolaeth gan The British Horse Society (The British Horse Society)

Dyddiad cyflwyno
12 Medi 2024
Cyflwynwyd gan
Members of the public/businesses

There are over 40,000 horses passported to residents living in Kent, with an economic contribution of over £278 million per annum to the economy, much of which is spent locally (livery yards, farriers, vets, feed and hay, etc.). Whilst walkers have 100% of the public rights of way (PROW) network, in Kent horse riders have just 16.7% (carriage drivers substantially less). Increasing pressure for development of houses, industry and development such as this is making even fewer of those bridleways and byways available and/or safe. Traffic increases with new development mean roads become even less safe for horse-riders and carriage-drivers to use in order to access the few traffic-free routes that exist for them. Contrary to NPPF paras 96(c), 102 and 104, it seems that this application does not seek to enable or support healthy lifestyles nor protect or enhance local public rights of way, indeed rather the opposite. During the consultation period, BHS provided feedback and provided suggestions for ways in which the local network might be enhanced (including the upgrading of any circular routes to at least bridleway status) but these seem to have been disregarded without further engagement. Byway AE396 is identified as a means of access to the site during, and to be traversed following, construction of the solar arrays. A byway is a highway over which the public is entitled to travel on foot, horseback or pedal cycle and by wheeled vehicles of all kinds, including mechanically propelled vehicles, but which is used by the public mainly for walking or for riding. It is not intended for use for commercial purposes. If access is impossible via any other location then suitable alternative provision must be provided for at least non vehicular byway users during construction. Following construction, traversing of the byway by site traffic needs to be strictly controlled in such a way as to ensure the byway surface is not affected adversely and nor is user safety. The byway should not be surfaced with a sealed surface as this would invite increased use by even more vehicular traffic. The siting of battery storage appears to include locations adjacent to the byway. This produces a fire risk. Apart from the immediate health and safety risk, such fires are very difficult to control, produce high levels of toxins, so closure of all public access may be required. In addition, access routes may be severely damaged by operations to attend the fire. The BHS provides advice notes in respect of various planning matters and these include one on solar farms, a link to which can be provided. We would like to see these recommendations taken into account.