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Dod o hyd i Brosiect Seilwaith Cenedlaethol

Gwasanaeth beta yw hwn - bydd eich adborth yn ein helpu i'w wella.

Yn ôl i'r rhestr Stonestreet Green Solar

Cynrychiolaeth gan John Henderson

Dyddiad cyflwyno
12 Medi 2024
Cyflwynwyd gan
Members of the public/businesses

There are a number of areas which I feel need further consideration, as follow: 1. Visual Impact: this proposed development is centered around a wide river valley (formerly flood plain) which runs roughly East-West; the development rises up both sides of the valley to a significantly higher elevation. It also extends southwards across and over a ridge of high ground (commonly referred to as Aldington ridge) to another south facing slope which looks over the Romney Marsh. While the development in the valley bottom can be screened (to some extent) the panels located on the higher elevations - in particular those crossing the ridgeline and facing the Marsh - will be visible when viewed from higher ground towards the North Downs and when viewed from the Romney Marsh. This is unsatisfactory. 2. Battery Storage - Noise: there is legitimate concern about noise emanating from the battery storage and inverter units. Much of the residential property in the area is located on higher ground; these properties - which will effectively look down on the lower lying battery storage units - are unlikely to benefit from the acoustic screening which will suppress lateral travel of noise but not do much to suppress sound traveling upwards and outwards. Could battery storage units be sunk into the ground (at least in part) with earth bunds as well as acoustic screens to address these concerns ? 3. Fire Control - Access: the site plans refer to grass roadways. Can I just point out that the ground in the valley bottom (former flood plain) becomes extremely soft during wet weather / winter (this comment also applies to parts of the valley sides where water drains down to the river). A grass roadway will not bear the weight of vehicle - if access for emergency vehicles is required the developer will need to make provision for roadways of a higher standard. 4. Fire Control - Water Storage: As the developer proposes storage - will this be of potable water from the mains supply, or river water ? If the former can the water authority guarantee maintenance of supply to the village if water is drawn at pace in the event of a fire (we already have low pressure on a regular basis) ? What measures will be in place to ensure the stored water is maintained in a wholesome condition and does not itself become a hazard ? When stored water is changed / disposed of periodically - what measures will be in place to manage the water being disposed of ? 5. Fire Control - Pollution: in the event of a battery fire what will happen to the run-off water used to cool / suppress the fire ? Are the batteries bunded ? Given the proximity to a river that within just a few miles passes through Ashford - are there any implications in terms of spread of hazardous run-off ? What further measures must the developer consider ? 6. Road Access: most the roads around the village would be considered narrow, and a lot have pinch points where only one vehicle can pass at a time - including the primary access road from the A20. The sheer number and size of vehicles involved during the construction phase will be difficult to accommodate and have a substantial negative impact on the village of Aldington. Would the planning inspector please give consideration to mandating a dedicated haul road - accessing the site from Bower Road using the bridge that crosses the railway approx. 1/4 mile west of Station Road ? 7. Flooding: the panels in the valley bottom lie on former flood plain. Flooding is largely controlled by the earth dam and flood relief scheme which lies immediately to the East. This dam has nevertheless overtopped on a couple of occasions in the last 15 years. Although this did not lead to widespread flooding - what design measures have been / should be in place to mitigate the effects of flooding of solar panel infrastructure, battery storage units, and power transmission equipment ? I would also draw the inspectors attention to the fact that the proposed route of the transmission cable from the Solar development to the Aldington Converter Station runs eastward through the flood relief scheme, through areas which do flood. Does the scheme proposed sufficiently consider this ?