Representation by Isabel Hunt
- Date submitted
- 12 September 2024
- Submitted by
- Members of the public/businesses
The panels located on the Aldington Ridge will have a significant negative impact on our beautiful rural views. Screening high areas is impossible and would still be ugly. I am concerned for the loss of versatile agricultural land, potential archaeological sites and nesting sites for skylarks. The has been no meaningful consultation on batteries particularly regarding fire risk, noise and visual impact. The vast majority of batteries are within 300m of houses. The scattergun approach to locating batteries will unnecessarily industrialise the rural environment. EPL001 never explained the oversizing of the scheme to allow for battery storage. If we are to have a solar scheme, this is not the best design and EPL001 have not looked adequately at alternative areas. It seems madness to turn such beautiful and productive agricultural land (remote from the rest of the development), and within 300m of an AONB, into an industrial solar farm. Why not use land next to the motorway, or over supermarkets or car parks. Using beautiful, productive and biodiverse land is robbing Peter to pay Paul, this is not “Green” energy. next to one of the most important footpaths in the parish that runs between the village and St Martins Church. The Scheme lies next to one of the most important footpaths in the parish that runs between the village and St Martins Church and will affect at least 12 ancient public rights of way, some of which will be gone for good. The enjoyment of walking Public Footpaths surrounded by 3m high solar panels, mesh fencing and CCTV cameras will be greatly diminished. The development will impact important species like Skylark, Yellowhammer (Red List) and Brown Hare. It will also impact badgers on account of the mesh security fencing that surrounds all areas of solar panels. Again this show the scheme is not “Green”. Local people will be affected. Their mental health will suffer, we have never tot his area, as have many others, because they want to be surrounded by countryside. They want to go for walks in the countryside, they want to see it when they are going to work and to take the kids to school. There will be a reduction in tourism in the immediate area. No one wants to visit the “Garden of England” and walk through and industrial site. There has been no meaningful consultation with the community.