Back to list Morgan Offshore Wind Project Generation Assets

Representation by Lin Jarrett

Date submitted
8 June 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This project includes corridors to on shore. As the on shore route has not been disclosed and there I are objections to the proposed routes, I believe that this should be seen as a whole. The DCO should look at the macro picture as there is a danger that the application could be influenced by sections of applications without it all being pulled together. Therefore bias and deception could occur. Another big concern is the lack of detail and the lack of an effective communication strategy. The Fylde community should be able to be actively involved and need to be educated and informed. Morgan and Morecambe have failed to provide any clarity and are failing to respond to questions raised by the affected community. I have written emails which have been ignored. It is woefully inadequate and irresponsible of any government to pass this whilst so much detail is missing