Back to list Morgan Offshore Wind Project Generation Assets

Representation by Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Ltd. (Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Ltd.)

Date submitted
8 July 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Morgan is one of the three Round 4 proposed offshore wind farms (together with the Mona and Morecambe projects) located in close vicinity to each other in the Irish Sea. The Environmental Statement for the Morecambe Generation Assets DCO application (which was accepted for examination on 27 June 2024) has identified a number of potential cumulative impacts in combination with Morgan Generation Assets, broadly covering ornithology, marine mammals, shipping and navigation, aviation and commercial fisheries. It may also be appropriate to have co-operation or co-existence agreement(s) between the projects. Additionally, pursuant to a direction issued by the Secretary of State on 4 October 2022 under section 35 of the Planning Act 2008, the Morecambe and Morgan projects are progressing a joint development consent application for the transmission infrastructure required to convey the electricity generated by each project to shore and onwards to the existing National Grid substation at Penwortham. This application is being submitted later in 2024. Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Ltd is supportive in principle of the Morgan Generation Assets DCO application and would like to register an interest, based on the possible need to provide more information to inform and support the Morgan Offshore Wind Project Generation Assets examination.