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Representation by Sandra Schofield

Date submitted
10 July 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The proposed substation to transport the electricity to the existing substation at Howick, Penwortham will be built on greenbelt land close to our small village of Newton -with-Scales. The land is prime agricultural land and will mean that some of the farms will lose so much land that it will not be viable for them to continue. The route of the cables will be close to our local village school and we understand the work will take 5-8 years to complete, which will cause major disruption to the roads in the vicinity which are in poor repair. There have been no plans of the elevations of the substation to view, however I understand it will be as large as 18 football pitches and illuminated both day & night. I also understand the noise emitted by the substation will be very intrusive and can only have a detrimental effect on the value of houses in the locality