
Morgan Offshore Wind Project Generation Assets

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 26 to 50 of 120 representations, newest first.

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  • Ian Andrew Grant

    Ruination of communities throughout the Fylde coast. Loss of valuable farmland. Total disruption of residents daily life for years due to roadworks and noise. There are alternative routes up the... Read more

  • Karen Leeming

    This application assumes that BP's preferred onshore route to Penwortham will be taken despite this requiring a separate DCO. I feel that this application should not state that the cables will be... Read more

  • Lone Nielsen

    The project is an example of how to ruin several villages which are nowhere near where the interested parties have their residence. It is going to destroy valuable farmland, interfere with school... Read more

  • Meriel McGowan

    I haven’t any objections to wind farms as long as any residents and farmers are adequately compensated for any problems they are caused.

  • Nichola rhodes

    I object strongly to the proposed route of the link to the national grid for the off shore wind farm off the coast of Lancashire. The disruption to residents lives will be immense. The impact on the... Read more

  • Paul Kelly

    My concern is that the contractor will use the least costly cable routes and substation sites intead the considerations of the rural businesses and the local population.

  • Susan Fucile

    The disruption and mess is too much for this rural area. People are losing their businesses and farms all for a project that is not wanted here. The nose and dirt would cause too much stress and... Read more

  • Suzanna Shepherd

    One of the main impacts and reason I don’t want this here is because of what it is going to do to the environment and our wildlife (which has already been hurt by all the house builds in the area)... Read more

  • Gary William Nixon

    This should be moved elsewhere as it will destroy our local environment!

  • Jane Ferguson

    How this project will affect the lives of thousands of people

  • UK Chamber of Shipping (UK Chamber of Shipping)

    The UK Chamber of Shipping is the trade association for the UK shipping industry, representing some 200 members, operating 900 vessels equalling 18 million GT in capacity, trading around the UK and... Read more

  • David Wertheim

    I am a resident of the Isle of Man. We depend on full and regular access by sea for our daily lives. There are two shipping lines handing freight. Air freight is not an option. Most of our foodstuffs... Read more

  • National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations (National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations)

    The National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisation (NFFO) represents the interests of commercial fishing businesses in England and Wales. We are registering as an interested party for this project as... Read more

  • Gordon Birt

    This will have an irreversible impact on life for residents and wildlife. The project itself will cause many issues to travel, quality of life, wildlife habitats, farming land during it's long... Read more

  • North West Wildlife Trusts (North West Wildlife Trusts)

    • We are supportive of offshore wind generation, but development must not be at the expense of nature. • We welcome the strategic coordination of energy generation and transmission infrastructure. •... Read more

  • Philip James Morgan

    Morecambe and Morgan Off Shore Wind Farms Transmission Route and Substations We are writing to you to outline the impact of the proposed transmission route and substations for the proposed Morecambe... Read more

  • Preston and Wildfowlers Association (Preston and Wildfowlers Association)

    PDWA own the shooting rights on Longton and Hutton marshes within the corridor of the project. These areas are of high conservation value (SSSI, Ramsar, SPA). The areas are of great importance to... Read more

  • Cadent Gas (Cadent Gas)

    Representation by Cadent Gas Limited (Cadent) to the Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited Development Consent Orders (DCO) Cadent is a licensed gas transporter under... Read more

  • UK Health Security Agency (UK Health Security Agency)

    Thank you for your consultation regarding the above development. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) welcomes the opportunity to comment on your proposals at this stage of the project. Please note... Read more

  • Peter Armitage

    This project will have both short term and long term impacts on the local area. How much traffic disruption is likely? What are the long term impacts on noise and light pollution? Are there any... Read more

  • Bev Duckworth

    The offshore windfarm scheme comes ashore at Blackpool and relies on connection to the National Grid at Penwortham. This in turn necessitates a 25km cable corridor, 120m wide, across the Fylde plus 2... Read more

  • Historic England (Historic England)

    Historic England (retaining the formal title of the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England) is the government service championing England’s heritage and giving expert, constructive... Read more

  • Natural England (Natural England)

    Natural England will be submitting our Relevant Reps in a separate pdf. document

  • Harbour Energy (Harbour Energy)

    Chrysaor Resources (Irish Sea) Limited (a Harbour Energy plc group company) is an Interested Party in the context of the Examination of the development consent order application submitted by the... Read more

  • Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Ltd. (Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Ltd.)

    Morgan is one of the three Round 4 proposed offshore wind farms (together with the Mona and Morecambe projects) located in close vicinity to each other in the Irish Sea. The Environmental Statement... Read more