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Back to list Helios Renewable Energy Project

Representation by Mark Simpson

Date submitted
27 September 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I feel this project is in the wrong place. By that I mean it is taking valuable agricultural land out of use when there are plenty of 'brown field' sites around this area that this development could be built upon. The derelict land at the former BOCM site on Barlby Road is a prime example, as are former industrial sites at Abbots Road in Selby and the recently demolished Eggborough power station. Why are these sites left empty and unused while this and some housing developments around Selby seem to be using up green belt land, which we have been told by successive governments is a valuable asset to the nation and should be protected? I agree with the general aims of renewable energy, but instead of rushing to build on any available piece of land, we should use areas that have previously been used and are now in need to rejuvenation, rather than prime farmland. Another concern is the placing of the site alongside the busy A1041. Will these panels reflect sunlight into the eyes of drivers, potentially causing accidents? Has this even been considered? What will be the impact on local wildlife? Has this been independently assessed? Again, we've been told by those in power that our wildlife must be protected, so what has been done, if anything, to mitigate the impact on the wild animals whose habitats will be under threat from this development? Again, this would be lessened by using brown field sites. Finally, why has construction been allowed by begin alongside the A1041 if this process is still out for consultation? Only yesterday my own village of Barlow suffered the impacts of this as traffic lights on the A1041 around the site entrance caused slow moving traffic, and impatient drivers took their own diversions through Barlow. This isn't so bad when its cars, but heavy lorries and large coaches are not suited to narrow country lanes with sharp, blind bends. And that is supposedly before it is all passed.